Christophe Painchaud
Christophe Painchaud
Hi ! Can you please run this debug command in RFLINK: 10;rfdebug=on; Then click your button to capture it on RFlink and copy/paste the output here. Thank you !
Hi! We need to know what action you did before you capture. Example: - Press button #1 20;XX;DEBUG;Pulses=50;Pulses(uSec)=352,512,288,544,288,544,288,544,672,160,672,128,672,160,256,512,320,544,672,160,256,544,256,544,256,576,256,544,256,544,256,512,320,544,256,544,256,544,288,544,256,544,256,544,640,160,256,608,256,1952; RF;58;esp_rflink_vendy_1;DEBUG; 20;XX;DEBUG;Pulses=42;Pulses(uSec)=640,160,640,160,640,160,256,512,288,576,640,160,256,576,256,576,256,576,256,576,256,576,256,512,288,576,256,576,256,576,224,576,256,576,256,576,640,192,256,640,224,544; RF;59;esp_rflink_vendy_1;DEBUG; - Press button 2 20;XX;DEBUG;Pulses=44;Pulses(uSec)=224,608,640,192,640,192,608,192,224,544,256,608,608,192,224,608,224,608,224,608,224,608,224,576,224,544,256,608,224,608,224,608,224,608,224,576,224,608,608,192,224,640,224,544; RF;5F;esp_rflink_vendy_1;DEBUG; 20;XX;DEBUG;Pulses=42;Pulses(uSec)=224,576,640,192,640,192,640,192,224,544,256,608,608,192,224,608,224,608,224,608,224,608,224,608,224,544,256,608,224,608,224,608,224,608,224,608,224,608,608,192,224,640; RF;60;esp_rflink_vendy_1;DEBUG; -...
ok, never mind! so it is sending several packets each time? or is it the response of other devices that we see after that ?
it is fairly unusual, usually devices sent 1 message (and replay it 2 or 3 times) , here we see many different messages. What are the other devices you are...
may be I found something, do you have a second device or only 1 ? So i can capture the differences ...
ok, so you want to detect in RFlink, right? you don't need to emulate it, do you (transmit RF)? On Thu, Feb 18, 2021 at 4:46 PM David Česal wrote:...
ok, because i can potentially create a plugin but many pieces cannot be confirmed until we get people to send us more codes to confirm what it is or not...
Hi, To be honest, many of us are using ESP8266 et ESP32 which offer natively and a ton of CPU for 2$-5$. Yet we have some ATmega2560 and it works...
Can you please also make the change for the IPAddress(0U) code? and test it will still compile with other targets? Then I will merge your request happily!
You will also need to enable builds in .travis.platform.ini and add steps in the GitHub Actions (.github/workflows) so they get built automatically