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Dangling pointer referenced in dbcsr_mm_multrec.F
Running many test cases of cp2k, among them xTB/regtest-3/h2o_rtp.inp, in dbcsr_mm_multrec.F line 518
CALL dbcsr_mm_csr_multiply(this%csr, left, right, & ... use_eps=this%use_eps, row_max_epss=this%row_max_epss, &
the dangling pointer this%row_max_epss is referenced.
The pointer was returned by the procedure dbcsr_mm_multrec_init. I think this is because inside the procedure at line 232 the following instruction
this%row_max_epss => row_max_epss
pointing to a local pointer, makes it dangling at procedure exit. This pointer assignment should be executed outside the procedure, as in
if(multrec(ithread)%p%use_eps) multrec(ithread)%p%row_max_epss=>row_max_epss
after row_max_epss is declared TARGET