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Lapack dependency
It appears there is no code relying on __SCALAPACK, and I wonder if https://github.com/cp2k/dbcsr/blob/develop/CMakeLists.txt#L55 should be dropped. Which LAPACK functions are needed/anticipated to be used?
Answered. Confusion about (Sca)LAPACK. Issue originated with library mix that had no lapack but was rather BLAS-only.
We have some lapack dependencies in utils/dbcsr_blas_operations.F, which are used for testings (generation of random matrices). Probably we can refactor and remove the dependency...
not only generation. Also multiplication, I use eigensolver of lapack to test Arnoldi in LA branch
Thank you!
I'm reopening this issue. Ideally, we need LAPACK only for the testing, the library itself doesn't need this dependency.