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Colossus Repository for Kodi Addons - Kodi is a registered trademark of the XBMC Foundation. We are not connected to or in any other way affiliated with Kodi - DMCA: [email protected]
okay to take this and work on it
Needs updating i beg you
Whenwver you click 'info' on any TV SHow or movie, and click the Extended Info button, you get "cannot find movie" in Kodi 16, but in Kodi Krypton, it just...
Hi there, Thanks for continuing the development of Covenant! I am wondering is we could have the option in the settings to enable Season 0 or Specials? I know that...
It's the end of life ? Colossal1 have delete all repo and all addons developing......... i thinks it's end of all. It's probably the cause of all other two issue............
Videos arent playing like theyre supposed to.
if you need a log i'll post one if u ask for one but i'm having problems playing rapidvideo says the link isn't playable and gives me error "i...