ruby-decompiler copied to clipboard
A decompiler for ruby code (both MRI and YARV)
Ruby-decompiler is a decompiler for ruby code. With it you can...
View method signatures:
irb(main):015:0> def foo(a, b, *rest, &block); end; method(:foo).signature => #<MethodSig::Signature:0x4037093c @origin_class=Object, @arg_info={:b=>"b", :block=>"&block", :a=>"a", :rest=>"*rest"}, @name="foo", @arg_names=[:a, :b, :rest, :block]> irb(main):016:0> proc { |x, y, *rest| }.signature => #<Proc::Signature:0x4036cf30 @args=#<Proc::Arguments:0x4036d020 @rest_arg=2, @multiple_assignment=true, @names=[:x, :y, :rest]>, @arg_info={:x=>"x", :y=>"y", :rest=>"*rest"}>
And reconstruct compiled methods:
irb(main):001:0> def foo(a, b, rest, &block) irb(main):002:1> begin irb(main):003:2 if not a and not b then irb(main):004:3* raise "Need more input!" irb(main):005:3> end irb(main):006:2> return a + b irb(main):007:2> ensure irb(main):008:2* puts "In ensure block" irb(main):009:2> end irb(main):010:1> end => nil irb(main):011:0> m = method(:foo) => #<Method: Object#foo> irb(main):012:0> puts m.as_code def foo(a, b, *rest, &block) begin (raise("Need more input!")) if (not a and not b) return a + b ensure puts("In ensure block") end end => nil