spider_test copied to clipboard
automagic integration testing for your rails app
SpiderTester is an automated integration-testing script that iterates over every page in your application. It performs a few valuable tasks for you:
- parses the html of every page, so if you have invalid html, you will be warned.
- finds every link to within your site and follows it, whether static or dynamic.
- finds every Ajax.Updater link and follows it.
- finds every form and tries to submit it, filling in values where possible.
This is helpful in determining:
- missing static pages (.html)
- poor code coverage - forgot to test a file? Don't wait for a user to find it.
- simple fuzzing of form values.
- automated testing of form paths. Often we have forms which point to incorrect locations, and up until now this has been impossible to test in an automated fashion or without being strongly coupled to your code.
$ script/plugin install svn://caboo.se/plugins/court3nay/spider_test $ script/generate integration_test spider_test
Load up the test/integration/spider_test.rb and make it look something like this, replacing your own implementation details where appropriate. You'll probably want to load all of your fixtures.
require "#{File.dirname(FILE)}/../test_helper"
class SpiderTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest fixtures :users, :roles, :images, :categories include Caboose::SpiderIntegrator
def test_spider
get '/'
assert_response :success
spider(@response.body, '/')
If you require a login for your app, you'll need to specifically log in. I do it like:
require "#{File.dirname(FILE)}/../test_helper"
class SpiderTest < ActionController::IntegrationTest fixtures :users, :roles, :images, :categories include Caboose::SpiderIntegrator
def test_spider
get '/sessions/new'
assert_response :success
post '/sessions/create', :login => 'admin', :password => 'test'
assert session[:user]
assert_response :redirect
assert_redirected_to '/'
spider(@response.body, '/',
:verbose => true,
:ignore_urls => ['/login', %r{^.+logout}, %r{^.+delete.?}, %r{^.+/destroy.?}],
:ignore_forms => [])
better, aka more random, fuzzing. currently, I check the fieldname and change the data types accordingly. It'd be good to have some more advanced algorithm in here
specify which actions to ignore you can modify this by editing the plugin and setting @visited_urls and @visited_forms but this should be more easily settable.
x use hpricot instead of html::document
x better capturing of errors instead of dying each time there's an error, store them all up so the user can fix 'em all at once.
Please see CHANGELOG for more details.