Olivier Couet
Olivier Couet
TASImage is some external code. It is kind of frozen these days. This issue will be hard to fix. Is it a blocker for you?
Thanks, I left a comment in the forum post.
@munozariasjm Have you tried the TExec idea ?
@munozariasjm can we close this request?
Indeed this has nothing to do with TRatioplot. It can be reproduced with the simple following macro: ``` void lineonaxis(){ auto c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "c1",10,53,700,525); gPad->DrawFrame(-5,-1.25,5,1.25); TLine *line =...
The problem has been simplified to: ``` { double x = 6.25; double y = 1.5625000232831; double y1 = -y; double y2 = y; double yv = -0.5; auto c1...
The same problem shows with web canvas (@linev ?) for instance with this simple macro: ``` void lineonaxis(){ auto c1 = new TCanvas("c1", "c1", 0, 0, 700, 525); c1->SetGridy(); TH1F...
We forced a lower version in order to resurrect our website: https://github.com/root-project/web/pull/932 Is there a big in 0.0.3 ?
@gemfarmer : Is there a fix foreseen?
The code is in `$ROOTSYS/main/python/cmdLineUtils.py` at line 1394. The function retrieving the list of objects to be printed is: ``` def _keyListExtended(rootFile,pathSplitList): keyList,dirList = keyClassSpliter(rootFile,pathSplitList) for pathSplit in dirList: keyList.extend(getKeyList(rootFile,pathSplit))...