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Is there any feature related to project management in CotEditor
I have to mange my project which contains many files, and I can not find any project manager in CotEditor, It would be cool if CotEditor can have project management.
Please consider taking this feature, thanks very much.
Aaron Elkins
Currently, I don't have any plan to implement project manager feature. I have a bunch of to-do's (e.g. autosave feature, Sandboxing, snippet manager etc.) for CotEditor before to bring it to such a "next stage".
CotEditor is a document-based application that treats each file individual as a single window. Changing this design to let it manage multiple files is quite lot of work.
In addition to that, I wanna keep CotEditor small and simple, so I personally have less interest to introduce such a project management system. Things can be changed in the future, but I'm sorry the priority is now low for me.
Okay, You guys did a nice works on CotEditor, I will continue to watch on this project.
Thanks :)
I'm always in search of a better text editor, and I've tried them all: atom, sublime, textmate, textwrangler....
I like Cot best. Thank you.
I too would love to see some form of a file-tree. I just want to be able to navigate between files easily, without having to go to open file dialog everytime.
Each file could remain in the same single window. You already support tabs, you could have a file-tree that opens each file in it's own tab.
Attached is a snapshot of how TextMate does it. Something similar would be perfect.
Thanks for your consideration.

The problem on CotEditor is the Sandbox requirements by Apple. A sandboxed app cannot open a file from its own UI. A file is basically needed to be opened either via the open panel or a user from Finder.
One exception is the case when a user put a whole directory to a app. Then the application can open all files in the given directory. Like when you open a project directory. In this way, CotEditor may be able to manage a project directory and files in the directory.
However, sorry, it is still complecated to implement (Apple also provides only few APIs to control tabbed windows and they are cumbersome) and I don't have enough time for that.
I know some users love project manager, but therefore, the priority is still low at this time point.
Would like to add my voice to that request. I think the sandboxing API's from Apple changed somewhat this year, so might be better options for it.
Hello, many thanks for the development of the CotEditor.
I would like to pick up the topic Folder/Project again.
From earlier times I use the editors BBEdit or Sublime for larger HTML or Python developments. But also for Markdown diaries or documentations.
Where the project view on the files and working with files - for example fast search - are the most important differences.
Is such a function folder/project still not in focus?
I'd like to say goodbye to my "old" editors and not switch to or anything like that - I just want native mac os apps.
Greetings from Austria!
Sorry, but I still have to say "not yet" for the answer to this question. I'm not against the project-based file management system, but low priority for me to implement to CotEditor.
... thank you for the speedy reply and for the clarification. For me that is ok/fine :-)
Any update, here?
It's been 5 years since this ticket was opened.
Sorry, but no update for this request yet.
I understand all the issues with sandboxing and everything, however, a tree browser of a project folder as mentioned here would be extremely useful. Hopefully it gets to the priority list soon ;) Thank you!
@lojza3d: I got in on the Beta for Panic's new code editor: Nova. So far so good. Give it a shot.
A file-/tree browser is possible in sandboxed apps. Look at Textastic or FS Notes. It would be really useful for CotEditor too, including a search bar on top to filter for file names. A tree browser should be independent to the info browser, where I use the outline view a lot.
New year ... and same question as 2 years ago ... I find Coteditor as a great tool, because modern, active development and M1 support. However, I miss unchanged, a file browser to work really well and optimally. In the side window/bar would be optimal, similar to FS Notes, iA Writer, Sublime and so on, would be a significant added value. The base with version 4.x would be ... How stand the possibilities in 2021, can we hope?
After years trying different editors, I switched to vscode for my Notes, casual text files and other than Swift development, after fiddling out every Mac-like shortcut. I have now only 3 editors to get used to: vim in the Shell, Xcode for Swift and vscode for the rest. Unsubscribed.
Similar after years, however VScode is not an option for me (Electron & Google junk). Currently Sublime and for notes iA Writer or FS Notes. Would love to use CotEditor for this, without a file browser it makes no sense.
Request: Just please make sure, for those of us wanting to keep it simple, provide a way to shut off any file management features.
This is the only thing stopping me from using this as my code editor, it is quite hard to not be able to open and see files easily without a kind of sidebar.
As a relatively new user, this is the only thing I am missing. A quick way to drop my project folder and be able to pick and choose which file I want to edit.
Surprising that this was first requested over 7 years ago!
Is the removal of the postponed label an insinuation that this feature is planned on being added?
Is the removal of the postponed label an insinuation that this feature is planned on being added?
Unfortunately not.
It's yet nowhere in sight to implement this feature. The document-based application design on AppKit is not suitable to have this kind of structure. I know there is a way but requires a lot of effort, and therefore, the priority is still low.
I wonder if there is a way to create a special tab that lists files?
Then we can keep the existing app architecture.
Optionally, the special file browser tab could be docked onto one side of the window?
Then, you can use a Finder window (No, I'm just joking.
In my philosophy, I wanna implement it in a beautiful way, rather than just adding an extra control.
This request is actually one of features I would like to work on when I got solid blocks of time. But for me now, the priorities of the following two large changes are higher:
- SwiftUI
- TextKit 2
Are there any recent thoughts for this?