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Mark lines that have changed since last git commit
Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. This is not a problem, but the Textmate editor has a feature which puts a dot symbol to the left of any line that is different than the current git commit. (Any line number that shows up as inserted or modified in the git diff I suppose.) The dots are updated each time the file is saved.
Describe the solution you'd like A preference item to mark or otherwise decorate lines with differences from the current git commit.
Describe alternatives you've considered Running git diff to see what changes there are from the current git commit and what line numbers they are on.
Additional context Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.
Hey @1024jp any improvements since that time? I've used TextWrangler before and I really really get used to that it shown me modified lines. Thats was really cool.. But now Cot doesn't have this and I really feels missing some crucial feature here! Please add it!
Sorry, but simply answering this question, the answer would be no. I am not against this request, but there is no enough time so far to reach this one on my to-do list.
@1024jp Welp, I hope maybe some year.. in 2024 maybe)?