Cosmin Popovici

Results 109 comments of Cosmin Popovici

This is unbelievable, what's so hard to get it fixed, MailChimp? If I use `mc:edit` on an ``, the `width` and `max-width` inline CSS, as well as the `width=""` attribute...

No idea what changed in that app that is breaking it, but a quick solution would be to use `` instead of `` for columns: ```html 1 2 ``` Note...

You're welcome, happy to help 🙂 An alternative would be to: 1. Remove `box-sizing: border-box;` from [here]( and [from the body tag]( 2. Nest a table inside each `col` cell,...

Hmm, actually the above only solves the issue with padding on cells with `box-sizing: border-box;`. Just tested and it seems Outlook iOS completely ignores any `display` property I try to...

OK, back with some more tests. I didn't notice it breaking in Outlook iOS before, because Email on Acid uses Outlook on **iOS 11**, which is quite outdated (but it...

Let's keep it open until we fix the issue, I'll need to run a lot of render tests with the new markup before releasing 1.2

@RemyyB custom delimiters work fine in `posthtml-expressions`, your issue comes from `posthtml-modules` which currently doesn't handle expressions properly. [There's a PR]( that'll be merged soon to fix this issue, so...

It would be even better if you could register your own filters. So the plugin would come with built-in fitlters, but you could pass in a `filters` option: ```js require('posthtml-expressions')({...

> I am +1 for this. > Just a question, does any other template lang provides similar features ? Besides Nunjucks and [Jinja]( (which the former is inspired from), [Liquid](

Glad to hear it! 😊 Now, regarding development, I haven't looked into it, and I have a feeling it'll be pretty complicated (for me, at least) to get it working...