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文章标题 | 负责人 | 授权 | 完成状态 |
变分自编码器 | 姚杰、黄理强 | 已授权 | |
雪花可视化 | 刘馨宇 | 待定 | |
Data organization in spreadsheets | 任怡萌 | 已授权 | 已发布 |
Not happy? Change your mental model | 张冰清 | 已授权 | |
Terence's Stuff: Creativity in Statistics | 李杰桠 | 已授权 | 已发布 |
XL-Files: Why (good) statisticians tend to be happier | 张文轩 | 已授权 | 已发布 |
XL-Files: Lectures (Marriages?) That Last | 王屿凌 | 已授权 | 已发布 |
How to Make Like A Chrono Trigger Character and Survive the Apocalypse | 闫晓雨 | 已授权 | |
mini-Meucci : Applying The Checklist | 何国星 | 待定 | |
Blockchain | 曾加 | 待定 | |
What's so hard about histograms? | 曾加 | 已授权 | 已发布 |
2018世界杯预测 | 夏丰盛 | 已授权 | 已发布 |
标题 | 网站/文章 | 专题 |
Return and Risk | 网站 | 金融系列 |
QuantStrat TradeR | 网站 | |
IMS-Terry系列 | 网站 | IMS网站 |
IMS-孟晓犁系列 | 网站 | |
Jeef Leek 总结他过去一年认为有价值的帖子 | 网站 | 可视化系列 |
Thomas Lumley 的题为briefly帖子 | 列表 | 汇总 |
jhu的 Data Science Lab 每周更新的邮件列表 | 网站 | 汇总 |
Chirs Blattman 博客上每周更新的 IPA weekly links | 列表 | 汇总 |
Most Starred R Packages on GitHub | 文章 | R语言 |
restRserve 官网的介绍和应用 | 文章 | R语言 |
Relational inductive biases, deep learning, and graph networks | 文章 | 深度学习 |
Comprehensive Guide on t-SNE algorithm | 文章 | 统计模型 |
话题 | 相关资料(待整理) | 推荐人 | 负责人 | 完成情况 |
台风事件死亡人数的一个研究,官方数据跟历史数据对不上,最开始是博客上讨论,后来就直接形成论文发表在新英格兰上了 | Estimating mortality rates in Puerto Rico 、Official Toll in Puerto Rico | 于淼 | 李泳新 | 已完成、待发布 |
如待认领为网站请选择感兴趣的一篇(且其他人未认领)的认领翻译,确认后与朱雪宁 联系。
认领前请向作者发送授权申请邮件,格式参考下面的 模板。
Hello XX, This is XX from XX. I am writing to ask for your permission to translate one article written by you: XX(修改成文章的网址)
The background is that I am one editor of a Chinese online community on statistics and data science, the Capital of Statistics (, and we are constantly looking for high-quality articles and blog posts to be published on our website. I came across your article on XX and I have a strong desire to introduce this nice work to Chinese readers, so I wonder if you can allow us to translate the text into Chinese and post it on our website.
We are a volunteer-maintained online community, and the article is for non-commercial use. We will highlight the authorship and give a link to the original post at the beginning of the translation. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns, and I look forward to your positive consideration.
Thank you in advance! Best, XX
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