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Best Practice to work with delve
Hi, I'm looking for a better way to make air work with delve remote debugging. I setup up this param in full_bin
dlv exec --head --accept-multiclient --listen= --continue
But during reloading delve reports an error of "address already in use".
Is there a best practice for delve debug config? Thanks! :)
Sorry, I'm not familiar with dlv. Maybe others could help you. 😄
We've been using the following:
full_bin = "dlv exec --continue --accept-multiclient --listen=:2345 --headless=true --api-version=2 --log ./tmp/app"
This is run within a docker container with port 2345 mapped to a host port. Host port is usually the same but depends on how many projects a dev runs simultaneously.
I wrote a plugin of goland. it will auto reconnect debugger. and finally I will make a pull request to air. then we can use air smoothly.
Hi @xiantang Im using Goland. Your plugin is ready for use ? I'm currently looking for use Air integrated to Goland
Wrote a small tutorial to use Delve with Air and VSCode that worked for me:
- 使用
netstat -antp | grep 6342
我是在找dlv的最佳实践,然后找到了这里,确切的说是dlv debug
1. 传入参数
- 使用
,后面接需要传给程序的参数;例如,服务启动时需要指定配置文件,形如:server -conf foo.yaml
,就可以这样弄:dlv debug -- -conf ./foo.yaml
2. 设置断点(存疑)
b ./main.go:15
,在当前目录的main.go文件15行设置断点。我遇到的问题是:Command failed: could not find statement at
,因为,设置断点的语法貌似是要指定文件路径,“错误的”写法是这样的b main.go:15
3. 重复上一个命令
- 当我们想继续执行上一个执行的命令时(例如:
n: Step over to next source line
4. 重启调试
restart (alias: r) ---------- Restart process
full_bin = "dlv exec --continue --accept-multiclient --listen=:2345 --headless=true --api-version=2 --log ./tmp/app"
Hot reload not working with this command right now with @latest verison of cosmtrek/air package. With previous version of both (.air.toml and delve for debugging) works perfect (It was versions from 4 months ago, since I have pause with this project). When I remove it, hot reload works perfect. Does anyone have same issue ?
I found solution.
Do not use @latest tag for delve package. It can cause an issue. Use specific release version and it is working.
Ex Docker. RUN go install[email protected] && go install[email protected]
Instead RUN go install && go install
Can't figure out a way of running this!
Can any one give me a hand?
I have a docker compose which uses the air image. I am trying to enable debugging on goland intellij IDE. But I cant get the remote to connect to the container
@dusan91judo does your solution still work? Just started using a docker go setup and am getting the "port already in use" issues. Any particular versions you'd recommend?
Anyone else have a fix here?
first kill that port in os. Then, try with specific version setup. It should work for [email protected] and [email protected]. My answer have more than a year, so for latest versions it might have some changes.
@dusan91judo thank you. Yeah those versions are a bit old at this point, so I don't think they'll work with the go version I'm using. I'll play around though and see if I can find working versions or configuration.