transformers-bart-pretrain icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
transformers-bart-pretrain copied to clipboard

Script to pre-train hugginface transformers BART with Tensorflow 2

transformers TF BART pre-training

Code style: black Imports: isort cosmoquester codecov


You can train huggingface transformers model simply like below example. (below example works without change as itself using sample data)

$ CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 python -m scripts.train \
    --model-config-path configs/base.json \
    --train-dataset-path tests/data/sample1.txt \
    --dev-dataset-path tests/data/sample1.txt \
    --sp-model-path sp_model/sp_model_unigram_8K.model \
    --device GPU \
    --auto-encoding \
    --batch-size 2 \
    --steps-per-epoch 100 \
    --mask-token "[MASK]" \


File Paths:
  --model-config-path MODEL_CONFIG_PATH
                        model config file
  --train-dataset-path TRAIN_DATASET_PATH
                        training dataset, a text file or multiple files ex)
  --dev-dataset-path DEV_DATASET_PATH
                        dev dataset, a text file or multiple files ex) *.txt
  --pretrained-checkpoint PRETRAINED_CHECKPOINT
                        pretrained checkpoint path
  --output-path OUTPUT_PATH
                        output directory to save log and model checkpoints
  --sp-model-path SP_MODEL_PATH
                        sentencepiece model path to tokenizer

Training Parameters:
  --mask-token MASK_TOKEN
                        mask token ex) [MASK]
  --mask-token-id MASK_TOKEN_ID
                        mask token id of vocab
  --epochs EPOCHS
  --steps-per-epoch STEPS_PER_EPOCH
  --learning-rate LEARNING_RATE
  --min-learning-rate MIN_LEARNING_RATE
  --warmup-steps WARMUP_STEPS
  --warmup-rate WARMUP_RATE
  --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
                        total training batch size of all devices
  --dev-batch-size DEV_BATCH_SIZE
  --num-total-dataset NUM_TOTAL_DATASET
  --shuffle-buffer-size SHUFFLE_BUFFER_SIZE
  --prefetch-buffer-size PREFETCH_BUFFER_SIZE
  --max-sequence-length MAX_SEQUENCE_LENGTH
  --weight-decay WEIGHT_DECAY
                        use weight decay
  --clipnorm CLIPNORM   clips gradients to a maximum norm.
                        disable input noising
                        disable input noising
  --masking-rate MASKING_RATE
                        text infilling masking rate
  --permutation-segment-token-id PERMUTATION_SEGMENT_TOKEN_ID
                        segment token id for sentence permutation

Other settings:
  --tensorboard-update-freq TENSORBOARD_UPDATE_FREQ
                        log losses and metrics every after this value step
  --mixed-precision     Use mixed precision FP16
  --auto-encoding       train by auto encoding with text lines dataset
  --use-tfrecord        train using tfrecord dataset
  --repeat-each-file    repeat each dataset and uniform sample for train
  --debug-nan-loss      Trainin with this flag, print the number of Nan loss
                        (not supported on TPU)
  --seed SEED           random seed
  --skip-epochs SKIP_EPOCHS
                        skip this number of epochs
  --device {CPU,GPU,TPU}
                        device to train model
  --max-over-sequence-policy {filter,slice}
                        Policy for sequences of which length is over the max
  • model-config-path is huggingface bart model config file path.
  • pretrained-checkpoint is trained model checkpoint path.
  • sp-model-path is sentencepiece tokenizer model path.
  • with repeat-each-file flag, you can repeat each dataset files forever even if one of dataset were run out.