Niels Bantilan

Results 222 comments of Niels Bantilan

> It seems an important question regards whether the expected series values are instances of the Enum (i.e. Color.RED) or the Enum values (1). I would think the values, but...

> Perhaps, class_col: Series[TestEnum] should be a syntactic sugar for class_col: Series[pd.StringDtype] = pandera.Field(isin=TestEnum). So data types and checks are intentionally separated concerns in pandera... the reason being that data...

> I actually just found out that using class_col: Series[pd.StringDtype] = pandera.Field(isin=TestEnum) results in a yaml.representer.RepresenterError when trying to do SchemaModel.to_yaml() Ah! yeah the [serialize checks]( logic would need to...

hey @hsorsky just to understand this issue better, if you have ```python import pandera as pa schema = pa.DataFrameSchema({"col1": pa.Column()}) schema.rename_columns({"col1": "col1", "col2": "new_col2"}) ``` Why not do `schema.rename_columns({"col2": "new_col2"})`...

Great @samster25 ! Please keep a look out for, it'll make integrations much easier

hi @KiaXdice, this use-case makes sense! I think a `to_json` / `from_json` method makes a lot of sense, would you be open to making a PR for that? Should be...

If we take inspiration from zenml, they have a simple `enable_wandb` interface that will probably work well for us:

ah, nice! could we also maybe make `path` a private variable `self._path`, and make a property that does the same thing? ```python @property def path(self): self.__fspath__() return self._path ``` This...

an alternative: don't expose a `path` property at all... this adds a possible execution path that does the wrong thing.

> Actually thinking a little more - more native integration might be better 1 How would that look like?