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An implementation of convolutional networks in NumPy!



  • Quickstart
    • A simple example CNN
    • The Net object
  • Layers
    • Linear
    • Conv2D
    • MaxPool2D
    • BatchNorm2D
    • Flatten
  • Losses
    • CrossEntropyLoss
    • MeanSquareLoss
  • Activations



To run the examples, creating a virtual environment is recommended.

virtualenv neural-networks-from scratch

When a virtual environment is in place, all requirements can be installed with pip.

source neural-networks-from-scratch/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

A simple example CNN

A simple convolutional network for image classification can be found in To try it on your own dataset, you should prepare your images in the following format:

   |-- class_01
       |-- 001.png
       |-- ...
   |-- class_02
       |-- 001.png
       |-- ...
   |-- ...

Its required argument is

  • --dataset: path to the dataset,

while the optional arguments are

  • --epochs: number of epochs,
  • --batch_size: size of the training batch,
  • --lr: learning rate.

The Net object

To define a neural network, the object can be used. Its parameters are

  • layers: a list of layers from nn.layers, for example [Linear(2, 4), ReLU(), Linear(4, 2)],
  • loss: a loss function from nn.losses, for example CrossEntropyLoss or MeanSquareLoss. If you would like to train the model with data X and label y, you should
  1. perform the forward pass, during which local gradients are calculated,
  2. calculate the loss,
  3. perform the backward pass, where global gradients with respect to the variables and layer parameters are calculated,
  4. update the weights.

In code, this looks like the following:

out = net(X)
loss = net.loss(out, y)


The currently implemented layers can be found in nn.layers. Each layer is a callable object, where calling performs the forward pass and calculates local gradients. The most important methods are:

  • .forward(X): performs the forward pass for X. Instead calling forward directly, the layer object should be called directly, which calculates and caches local gradients.
  • .backward(dY): performs the backward pass, where dY is the gradient propagated backwards from the consequtive layer.
  • .local_grad(X): calculates the local gradient of the input.

The input to the layers should always be a numpy.ndarray of shape (n_batch, ...). For the 2D layers for images, the input should have shape (n_batch, n_channels, n_height, n_width).


A simple fully connected layer. Parameters:

  • in_dim: integer, dimensions of the input.
  • out_dim: integer, dimensions of the output.


  • input: numpy.ndarray of shape (N, in_dim).
  • output: numpy.ndarray of shape (N, out_dim).


2D convolutional layer. Parameters:

  • in_channels: integer, number of channels in the input image.
  • out_channels: integer, number of filters to be learned.
  • kernel_size: integer or tuple, the size of the filter to be learned. Defaults to 3.
  • stride: integer, stride of the convolution. Defaults to 1.
  • padding: integer, number of zeros to be added to each edge of the images. Defaults to 0.


  • input: numpy.ndarray of shape (N, C_in, H_in, W_in).
  • output: numpy.ndarray of shape (N, C_out, H_out, W_out).


2D max pooling layer. Parameters:

  • kernel_size: integer or tuple, size of the pooling window. Defaults to 2.


  • input: numpy.ndarray of shape (N, C, H, W).
  • output: numpy.ndarray of shape (N, C, H//KH, W//KW) with kernel size (KH, KW).


2D batch normalization layer. Parameters:

  • n_channels: integer, number of channels.
  • epsilon: epsilon parameter for BatchNorm, defaults to 1e-5.


  • input: numpy.ndarray of shape (N, C, H, W).
  • output: numpy.ndarray of shape (N, C, H, W).


A simple layer which flattens the outputs of a 2D layer for images.


  • input: numpy.ndarray of shape (N, C, H, W).
  • output: numpy.ndarray of shape (N, C*H*W).


The implemented loss functions are located in nn.losses. As Layers, they are callable objects, with predictions and targets as input.


Cross-entropy loss. Usage:

  • input: numpy.ndarray of shape (N, D) containing the class scores for each element in the batch.
  • output: float.


Mean square loss. Usage:

  • input: numpy.ndarray of shape (N, D).
  • output: numpy.ndarray of shape (N, D).


The activation layers for the network can be found in nn.activations. They are functions, applying the specified activation function elementwisely on a numpy.ndarray. Currently, the following activation functions are implemented:

  • ReLU
  • Leaky ReLU
  • Sigmoid