vlogdump copied to clipboard
Small tool to filter/convert/match raw varnishlog output
=head1 NAME
Tool to parse varnishlog output and keep track of transactions. Match those that we want to debug and show detailed information about them.
This tool is meant to help when setting up or troubleshooting a varnish configuration.
It's confirmed working with Varnish 2.x, 3.x, 4.x and 5.x. For some versions, it might be necessary to use a specific development branch instead of master.
Here's some examples of usage.
=head2 Show all requests that are cache misses
$ varnishlog | vlogdump -v only_misses=1 => GET /assets/tn/m/mq/e85ed0a7b1b87120a0a2bfa025531c6733a48802 HTTP/1.0 MISS <= 200 OK 28.432 ms => GET /assets/tn/m/mq/5a9e9440c5c85e8dc5d65e03e15c95e390901fa7 HTTP/1.0 MISS <= 200 OK 36.905 ms => GET /assets//icons/categories/te/icon32x32-technology.png HTTP/1.0 MISS <= 304 Not Modified 0.589 ms => GET /api/fetch/article-preview/?client=2&language=en-GB HTTP/1.1 MISS <= 301 MOVED PERMANENTLY 8.381 ms => GET /assets/tn/m/mq/c3830e95b717761005e26ce49ebab253e0ccb40b HTTP/1.0 MISS <= 200 OK 291.354 ms => GET /api/1.0/category/list?client=2&language=en-GB HTTP/1.1 MISS <= 200 OK 58.025 ms ...
=head2 Show only requests that are cache hits
Same as above, but C<< -v only_hits=1 >>.
=head2 Show only requests (not) for certain URLs
$ varnishlog | vlogdump -v url_match=assets
To negate the pattern, prepend a C<!> character before the
regular expression. You will get only requests for URLs that
B<DO NOT> match C
$ varnishlog | vlogdump -v url_match=!assets
=head2 For each transaction, show the request headers
$ varnishlog | vlogdump -v show_req_headers=1 => GET /assets/3a626ed2f029fc5802c244673c6e168914568080 HTTP/1.0 MISS <= 200 OK 51.483 ms req.http.Host = discovery.opera.com req.http.User-Agent = Amazon CloudFront req.http.X-Forwarded-For = req.http.X-Amz-Cf-Id = NS3KqU_AKnueKyQcJWQXbLyVAYR7jvPJ5QGl9raDg0AZZaPkt87avA== req.http.Connection = keep-alive ...
=head2 Only show transactions where the request headers match X
Where C<X> can be a string or a regular expression:
$ varnishlog | vlogdump -v show_req_headers=1 -v req_headers_match=X
=head2 ...
and there's more. Check the full list of options below.
=head1 OPTIONS
This being an C
=item client_match=
Shows only transactions from clients (IP addresses) matching a given regular expression.
=item show_req_headers=0|1
Turn on or off the output of HTTP request headers
=item show_resp_headers=0|1
Turn on or off the output of HTTP response headers
=item req_headers_match=
Shows only transactions with request headers (any header) matching the given regular expression
Prepend '!' to the pattern to negate the meaning, to display only transactions that do not match the pattern.
=item resp_headers_match=
Shows only transactions with response headers (any header) matching the given regular expression
Prepend '!' to the pattern to negate the meaning, to display only transactions that do not match the pattern.
=item req_method=
Shows only transactions with the given HTTP request method, or a method that matches the given regexp.
Prepend '!' to the pattern to negate the meaning, to display only transactions that do not match the pattern.
=item only_hits=0|1
Shows only transactions that were served from the cache
=item only_misses=0|1
Shows only transactions that were served by going to the backend server.
=item only_slow=1
=item only_slow=
Shows only requests that are considered slow. The time used is the backend response time. If you use C<only_slow=1>, the default threshold is 1s. You can also specify your own threshold, using for example C<only_slow=500>. Value is in milliseconds.
=item url_match=
Show only the transactions for URLs matching the given regular expression.
Prepend '!' to the pattern to negate the meaning, to display only transactions where the URL does not match the given regular expression.
varnishlog | vlogdump -v url_match='!/assets'
=head1 AUTHOR
Cosimo Streppone, C<< [email protected] >>