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PHP-File-Cache - Modern, maintained and secure alternative to Simple-PHP-Cache

Open Wruczek opened this issue 5 years ago • 0 comments

I loved Simple-PHP-Cache, its small and portable, fits everywhere and is very simple. But the code is old, buggy and unmaintained. I have released a full rewrite inspired by this library, called PHP-File-Cache.

It's similar to Simple-PHP-Cache, but also improved drastically.

  • Extended with many handy functions like refreshIfExpired
  • Light, standalone and simple
  • All code in one file - no pointless drivers.
  • Secure - direct cache file access is impossible
  • Well documented and tested
  • Supports PHP 5.4.0 - 7.1+
  • Free under a MIT license

Hope it helps someone.

Wruczek avatar Sep 08 '18 02:09 Wruczek