Instagram-PHP-API icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
Instagram-PHP-API copied to clipboard

New Login Permissions

Open enginedilema opened this issue 7 years ago • 1 comments

Add new login permissions

Instagram.php line 74 private $_scopes = array('basic', 'likes', 'comments', 'relationships','public_content');



Instagram.php line 167 APIInvalidParametersError" ["error_message"]=> string(31) "Count must be larger than zero.

public function getUserLikes($limit = 0) to public function getUserLikes($limit = 10)

enginedilema avatar Aug 03 '17 18:08 enginedilema

Also, there is another one scope 'follower_list' need to add.

Error: getLoginUrl() - The parameter isn't an array or invalid scope permissions used.

Dhavalptel avatar Nov 09 '17 04:11 Dhavalptel