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Cant Use Scope Likes And Comments, But Scope follow is use

Open rizkihape opened this issue 9 years ago • 2 comments

Hello cosenary

i can't use scope likes and comment, but scope follow can use. its problem make me confused, can you tell me solutions for this problem ?

thank you

rizkihape avatar Jun 12 '15 17:06 rizkihape

I too am having problems getting the correct scopes. I believe perhaps Instagram is limiting Scope to "basic" on new apps. This is just a hunch in combination with information on their blog announcing you must apply for additional scopes.

thejwalker avatar Jul 12 '15 11:07 thejwalker

@rizkihape @thejwalker You need to send a request to instagram for more access than basic. It's a shame ... Before it was only for posting comments.

r0mdau avatar Aug 26 '15 21:08 r0mdau