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cortex lab code for electrophysiology
Hi Nick, I was trying your psthViewer function. I found some issues: 1) the function getOr in lines 46-47 is missing. 2) the plotWithErr function is missing. 3) no raster...
It seems the 'loadPCs' switch is looking for files which Phy doesn't currently produce (not sure if its related to the non-functional Feature view when using Kilosort3). Not sure how...
nSamp = filenamestruct.bytes/(gwfparams.nCh*dataTypeNBytes) How do I determine the number of samples per channel?
Updated to the up-to-date matlab function histcounts. It receives an array of bin-edges (together with the data), and returns those same bin-edges. The returned variable bins is an array of...
Hey there, I'm a new user. I noticed that the psth created by psthRasterAndCounts was undercounted in the first and last bin. Both _psth_ and _bins_ are returned as vectors...
Here I added support for loading cluster_KSLabel.tsv
Currently the loadKSDir function does not automatically load the phy labels for each cluster, stored in cluster_KSLabel.tsv. I've created a pull request for fixing this
Trying to go through the example script, I ran into an undefined function `array2stringCell`. Is it one of your own tool? I'm not sure if you want to include it...
Hey Nick, Looking closely at some of your steps here, I was wondering: for CAR, I definitely like getting the median of each timepoint in multichannel data to remove the...
Hi, Thanks for making this great resource! I found a bug in the getWaveForms script. If it selects spike times near the beginning or end of the recording, it will...