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LuaJIT FFI reflection library
Running test.lua in windows7 LuaJIT 2.1 Mingw-W64 compiled for 32 bits gives a crash. (no info on gdb) Inserting `do return end` before line 142 crash is gone.
Hello, I have noticed that _name_ field in _CType_ is uint32_t: ` uint32_t name; ` In GC64 mode this field (GCref) is uint64_t - is it intentionally? Regards Pawel
Hello - I guess I would like to iterate over tab table: ` (CTState or init_CTState()).tab ` Could you suggest how could I do this? Regards Pawel
The assertion on line 105 of the bundled test.lua fails. Here, element_type.convention is 'cdecl' rather than 'stdcall'. Is this to be expected, or is there something weird happening?
Hi, Let me first say that I'm quite excited about your reflection library and currently testing it out. Concretely, I'm trying to iterate over the fields of substructs and it...
Hello, I'm encountering the following ``` ffi.cdef[[ struct ImVec4 { float x,y,z,w; }; ]] reflect.typeof(ffi.typeof(" struct ImVec4")) -- okay reflect.typeof(ffi.typeof("const struct ImVec4")) -- complains due to some TODO ``` error...
Lets CTA_QUAL work adding const and volatile attributes Also let members work when `__declspec(align(16))` is used for a struct
```Lua assert((function()local t = {} return reflect.getmetatable(ffi.metatype("struct {}", t)) == t end)()) ``` makes the program to exit without assert. (now corrected at PR #12) I would comment this test...
I have implemented a cdata serializer with reflect that I wish to share. It recreates the table of init values used in ffi.new I can be used as: ```Lua local...