corona copied to clipboard
Native Builds: CoronaBuilder still downloading from (and failing)
I would like to migrate my CoronaSDK project which is built with XCode (so i can nicely integrate it into a standard CI solution - Azure AppCenter in my case) to Solar2D, but I currently fail at the first step of the build:
> xcodebuild -project "App.xcodeproj" -scheme "Download Plugins"
PhaseScriptExecution Download\ Plugins /Users/christian/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/App-gqgvwrzahdyfdrgexupenwdowlof/Build/Intermediates.noindex/\ (in target 'Download Plugins' from project 'App')
cd /Applications/Corona-3601/Native/Project\ Template/App/ios
/bin/sh -c /Users/christian/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/App-gqgvwrzahdyfdrgexupenwdowlof/Build/Intermediates.noindex/\\\
ERROR: plugin could not be validated: plugin.OneSignal (com.onesignal)
ERROR: Activate plugin at:
ERROR: exiting due to plugins above not being activated.
Exiting due to errors (above)
Command PhaseScriptExecution failed with a nonzero exit code
Adding just one of these to the default sample project also allows me to easily demonstrate the effect:
> `/Applications/Corona-3601/Native/Corona/mac/bin/ plugins download ios "/Applications/Corona-3601/Native/Project Template/App/Corona/build.settings"
ERROR: plugin could not be validated: plugin.OneSignal (com.onesignal)
ERROR: Activate plugin at:
ERROR: exiting due to plugins above not being activated.
Is there an alternative workaround using the simulator via CLI to download the plugins instead of the CoronaBuilder-based Xcode target?
Edit: Manually adding the URL seems to work as a workaround.
I am with the same problem. Any solution?
ERROR: plugin could not be validated: plugin.notifications.v2 (com.coronalabs) ERROR: Activate plugin at: ERROR: plugin could not be validated: plugin.iTunes (com.coronalabs) ERROR: Activate plugin at: ERROR: exiting due to plugins above not being activated.
Same issue here...
ERROR: plugin could not be validated: plugin.gpgs.v2 (com.coronalabs)
ERROR: Activate plugin at:
ERROR: plugin could not be validated: (com.coronalabs)
ERROR: Activate plugin at:
ERROR: plugin could not be validated: plugin.GBCDataCabinet (com.gamesbycandlelight)
ERROR: Activate plugin at:
ERROR: plugin could not be validated: (com.coronalabs)
ERROR: Activate plugin at:
ERROR: plugin could not be validated: plugin.iap_badger (
ERROR: Activate plugin at:
ERROR: plugin could not be validated: plugin.admob (com.coronalabs)
ERROR: Activate plugin at:
ERROR: exiting due to plugins above not being activated.
As I mentioned in the initial comment, you can work around this bug by adding the URL directly in build.settings
, e.g.
["plugin.openssl"] =
publisherId = "com.coronalabs",
supportedPlatforms = {
iphone = { url="" },
you'll have to look for these tgz files in the coronalabs accounts on Github or from the new plugin marketplace
You know how can I get url of onesignal plugin ?
As I mentioned in the initial comment, you can work around this bug by adding the URL directly in
, e.g.["plugin.openssl"] = { publisherId = "com.coronalabs", supportedPlatforms = { iphone = { url="" }, } },
you'll have to look for these tgz files in the coronalabs accounts on Github or from the new plugin marketplace
Don not use urls for plugins available through Using without custom url is much more efficient.
I'm using, but I got this error:
ERROR: plugin could not be validated: plugin.OneSignal (com.onesignal) ERROR: Activate plugin at: ERROR: exiting due to plugins above not being activated.
How can I change source to plugins.solar2d ?
Don not use urls for plugins available through Using without custom url is much more efficient.
You probably want to download the latest version of Solar2D.
Yeah, I'm using 3617.
ah. Sorry. You're using native. All plugins are available on GitHub, either on (com.coronalabs
plugins) or on (everything else on
iOS (since v3686) and Android both support getting plugins from the Collector and support getting plugins from and