After more life experience, here is my $0.02: Any company that has a big enough budget to get AWS to assign developer hours, is not using MFA directly in this...
@faern can you point me to the spec file that currently builds the fedora rpm?
@raksooo Here is my triage: I think the simplest solution is to copy the pattern of [the deb config to not include any dependency definitions]( * As reported by others,...
@raksooo PR submitted. Please review.
I could use some other voices on my pr. I firmly believe it's being gated arbitrarily. I've dealt with this in the past with some fedora zealots. Not really sure...
@firefoxlover I have limited time and I ran out of interest to fight for something that feels painfully obvious. You are welcome to pick up where I left off :)
@juanibiapina Hacktoberfest is right around the corner ;) @YarekTyshchenko You might like this.. ```bash while read -r pkg; do basher uninstall "$pkg" && basher install "$pkg"; done <
@tbhaxor I'm sorry that this went neglected for so long. I think this is best suited for a dedicated project. You could use the [qrush/sub]( repo as a baseline and...
Hey, I see I'm late to the game, but at least wanted to reply. @EmilySeville7cfg libera chat was chosen because it's the defacto place for most opensource projects. e.g. puppetlabs...
@purpleidea @sciurus @infernix @electrofelix I've seen you comment or work on related issues. If you have time to review this, I would appreciate it. Thanks.