cornerstoneTools copied to clipboard
programmatically changing annotations
- v4.15.1
- I hope so
- Found some related issues but most of them had problems with the drawing-function itself.
I want to load annotation from a DB or something similar into the cornerstone Tools and be able to edit them afterwards. I already hooked into the events for saving meta-information about the single annotations.
Is that even possible, i looked through the store and the tools but couldn't even find the store for the annotations.
What am i missing?
You probably want to be looking at the ToolStateManager. You can get it by calling:
var el = document.getElementById('CornerstoneElement');
var stateManager = cornerstoneTools.getElementToolStateManager(el);
By default you'll be using the imageIdSpecificStateManager
Thanks for the answer. Got it worked out. Not sure if this is the best solution. SET ArrowAnnotations:
cornerstoneTools.clearToolState(this.element, 'ArrowAnnotator');
MeasurementArray.forEach((measurementData) => {
cornerstoneTools.addToolState(element, 'ArrowAnnotator', measurementData);
GET ArrowAnnotations:
const toolStateManager = cornerstoneTools.getElementToolStateManager(element);
const toolState = toolStateManager.get(element, 'ArrowAnnotator');
const measurementData =;
As a matter of fact, I have already posted an answer on StackOverflow that addresses this issue:
In this answer, I explain how to use the clearToolState
function to remove all states from the state manager corresponding to the name and element of that tool. I also provide some references and additional information that you may find helpful. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask.
i wanted to load annotation from code , below is my sample const annotation = {
invalidated: false, // Whether the annotation data has been invalidated by e.g., moving its handles
highlighted: true, // Whether the annotation is highlighted by mouse over
isVisible: true,
annotationUID: "fffeed7b-7816-4d1a-8f51-18202b9f26b1", // The UID of the annotation
metadata: {
viewPlaneNormal: [-0.06155037366661628, -0.02036620071150582, -0.9978961716381513] as [number, number, number],// The view plane normal of the camera
viewUp: [-0.023753562942147255, -0.9994787573814392, 0.021863622590899467] as [number, number, number], // The view up vector of the camera
FrameOfReferenceUID: "", // viewport's FrameOfReferenceUID the annotation has been drawn on
referencedImageId:"wadouri:https://orthanc:[email protected]:8081/instances/38b569cb-22c256f7-07f6e197-08363fab-4ec72194/file", // The image ID the annotation has been drawn on (if applicable)
toolName: "Length", // The tool name
data: {
handles: {
points: [[-100.56742742147189, -49.25666634824417, 66.16763968193578],[18.712716732979494, 3.2646742334327037, 57.73850862932346]] as [number, number, number][], // The handles points in world coordinates (probe tool = 1 handle = 1 x,y,z point)
cachedStats: {
"imageId:wadouri:https://orthanc:[email protected]:8081/instances/38b569cb-22c256f7-07f6e197-08363fab-4ec72194/file": {
"length": 130.60357673626444,
"unit": "mm"
}, // Stored Statistics for the annotation
} cornerstoneTools.annotation.state.addAnnotation(annotation, imageSegment);
const toolGroup = ToolGroupManager.createToolGroup(this.toolGroupId);
toolGroup.addTool(StackScrollMouseWheelTool.toolName , { loop: true });
toolGroup.addTool(StackScrollTool.toolName, { loop: true })
toolGroup.addTool(LengthTool.toolName, { loop: true })
toolGroup.setToolActive(StackScrollTool.toolName, { bindings: [ { mouseButton: MouseBindings.Primary } ] });
await toolGroup.addViewport('RESULT-PREVIEW-STACK', resultPreviewStackCornerstone3DRenderingEngine);
const viewport = <Types.IStackViewport>(await renderingEngine.getViewport(resultPreviewStackRenderingEngineId));
await viewport.setStack( seriesInstanceUrls, liverLesionSliceIndex );
await viewport.render(); annotation not displaying on the image segement. kindly provide me the sample to draw length annotation from code