Cornelius Roemer

Results 491 issues of Cornelius Roemer

Just brainstorming a few things that'd be nice to have and round off the feature - Confidence Intervals for comparison line plots

I was wondering if it was possible to save the work we do on collections in case something happens, e.g. compromised password or outage etc. Once export works, one could...

Date errors are a big problem when investigating when the first sequence was found. When there are millions of Omicrons, the earliest are inevitably data entry error. See this, there...

It's great that one can download open data fastas. It would be great if the FASTA ID contained a bit more metadata, things like country, date, etc - right now...

I'm increasingly using Jaccard similarity to find defining mutations for lineages. Say, if I look for a lineage with S:L452R in the US, and I want to know what other...

When I download fastas through covSpectrum/LAPIS, the file names are always identical, so I now have a hundred `sequences (39).fasta` lying around my download folder. It would be much nicer...


The international comparison plot for queries is super useful to quickly see where a mutation/lineage is most common. Right now, covSpectrum autoselects around 6 countries to show. My suspicion is...

Right now, the way I look for emerging mutations is to look for Spike mutations that are between 0.1% and 1% in the most recent period, e.g. 1 or 2...


This variant comparison table is really useful: One thing missing from it is nucleotide changes not associated with amino acid mutations. It would be great if these could be added.

Whenever I create queries, I tend to have to change a number of settings manually, mostly the same things. It would be nice if such things were remembered through cookies,...