Results 47 issues of cormullion

I thought this should work, but it doesn't: ```julia using Graphs using MetaGraphs g = path_graph(5) mg = MetaGraph(g, 3.0) set_prop!(mg, :description, "This is a metagraph.") savegraph("/tmp/test_graph.lg", mg) mg1 =...

I was deep in a rabbit hole trying to parse a JavaScript file that defined a JSON object. I found an easy way to reproduce it on a mac: ```julia...

Hi! Nice package! (Thanks for the shout-out to Luxor.jl 😃) I got a version of your logo code working easily enough in Luxor: But - I think it would be...

Amazing work! Is there a way to, er, slow it down a bit? :) ![pacman]( Or is it just that I'm not a teenager any more... :(

@JuliaRegistrator register()

@JuliaRegistrator register()

Cool package- and good documentation! A possible enhancement would be to add a short overview as to what and why. Something like this: which appeared after some searching. I...
