jsonpatch copied to clipboard
A implementation of RFC 6902 in pure Elixir.
An implementation of RFC 6902 in pure Elixir.
- Creating a patch by comparing to maps and lists
- Apply patches to maps and lists - supports operations:
- add
- replace
- remove
- copy
- move
- test
- Escaping of "
" (by "~1
") and "~
" (by "~0
") - Allow usage of
for appending things to list (Add and Copy operation)
Getting started
The package can be installed by adding jsonpatch
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:jsonpatch, "~> 2.2"}
The docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/jsonpatch.
Create a diff
iex> source = %{"name" => "Bob", "married" => false, "hobbies" => ["Sport", "Elixir", "Football"]}
iex> destination = %{"name" => "Bob", "married" => true, "hobbies" => ["Elixir!"], "age" => 33}
iex> Jsonpatch.diff(source, destination)
%{path: "/married", value: true, op: "replace"},
%{path: "/hobbies/2", op: "remove"},
%{path: "/hobbies/1", op: "remove"},
%{path: "/hobbies/0", value: "Elixir!", op: "replace"},
%{path: "/age", value: 33, op: "add"}
Apply patches
iex> patch = [
%{op: "add", path: "/age", value: 33},
%{op: "replace", path: "/hobbies/0", value: "Elixir!"},
%{op: "replace", path: "/married", value: true},
%{op: "remove", path: "/hobbies/1"},
%{op: "remove", path: "/hobbies/2"}
iex> target = %{"name" => "Bob", "married" => false, "hobbies" => ["Sport", "Elixir", "Football"]}
iex> Jsonpatch.apply_patch(patch, target)
{:ok, %{"name" => "Bob", "married" => true, "hobbies" => ["Elixir!"], "age" => 33}}