Charlie Orford
Charlie Orford
Sorry @B4nan created the ticket late last night (too sleepy). I'm actually on `2.10.1` of `puppeteer-extra-plugin-stealth` (and `2.3.1` of `puppeteer-extra-plugin-user-preferences`) _I've updated the ticket description with the correct version_
So I have those latest changes to `pages._client()` yet still have the issue with puppeteer v14.4.40+ and browser-pool
Ok, here's a minimal reproduction that triggers the same `"Cannot read private member from an object whose class did not declare it"` error. **Note:** all of below is with `puppeteer-core:...
Are you able to reproduce based on above or is this issue something local to my setup?
Ok, thanks for the extra context and info. Looking forward to kicking the tyres of Crawlee once it's out (and praying the work to port our internal framework - which...
Nice one @B4nan 💪
@bilogic Alas, this was quite a while ago and I'm afraid I can't remember any of the details (completely forgot about this project until GH notified me of your comment...
FYI: I'm seeing this error today (from a EU IP). If I use a US proxy, the error goes away. This happens even if I use coingecko symbols (which I...