reactive-gremlin copied to clipboard
akka http gremlin 3 websocket connector
High throughput akka http gremlin 3 websocket connector with backpressure.
High Flow Gremlin .... Blows your hair back !
What is reactive-gremlin
reactive-gremlin is a streaming
websocket client that connects to a gremlin server to execute gremlin scripts. Current client including the Java client provided by datastax have the capability to crash your gremlin server by overflowing the server with asyn requests. Your gremlin server will buffer incoming requests and service them when it has finished the ones in the queue. For fast consumers (bulk loaders) it is possible to cause Out of memory Exceptions and crash the server.
reactive-gremlin provides a way around this by implementing backpressure through a side channel. This will slow down the fast consumer while the server is overloaded and speed it up when the server catches up. It does this throw a user controlled parameter on the maximum in-flight
calls allowed to any one server. The stream monitors responses from the server and controlls backpressure on the stream accordingly.
Add the following dependency to your porject.
resolvers += "Sonatype OSS Snapshots" at ""
"io.surfkit" %% "reactive-gremlin" % "0.0.1"
I have provided a simple builder to convert you gremlin scripts into the required types for transport. Here are some examples of encoding a few gremlin groovy
val simple = GremlinClient.buildRequest("g.V().has('email','[email protected]').has('is_douchebag','true').valueMap();")
val create = GremlinClient.buildRequest("graph.addVertex(label, 'entity','uri','');")
To issue request to your server you must create a GremlinClient
. Parameters:
host: String
is the websocket url to connect to your server (default localhost:8182). -
controls the max number of request that you will allow you server to process at one time (default 250) -
an optional Akka actor that will receiveGremlin.Response
messages. -
onResponse:Option[Gremline.Response => Unit]
an optional callback that will receiveGremlin.Response
val gclient = new GremlinClient(host="ws://localhost:8182",maxInFlight=100)
pushing data
There are 3 ways to push your request data into the flow:
- as a driver that will return a
- via
publisher (usefull for standard interaction with your gremlin server) - via
Flow[GremlinRequest, _]
flow that you create from anotherSource
. This is extreamly usfull when bulk loading data from a file or other source. More on this below.
driver returning a future example
val gclient = new GremlinClient(host="ws://localhost:8182",maxInFlight=100)
gclient.query("g.V().has('email','[email protected]').has('is_douchebag','true').valueMap();")
.map{ x: Gremlin.Response =>
val json: Option[List[JsValue]] =
actor push example
Here is a simple but full example of how to use the client
def response(res:Gremlin.Response):Unit = {
println(s"The response is ${res}")
val gclient = new GremlinClient(host="ws://localhost:8182",maxInFlight=100, onResponse = Some(response))
val producer = gclient.connectActor
val simple = GremlinClient.buildRequest("g.V().has('email','[email protected]').has('is_douchebag','true').valueMap();")
val create = GremlinClient.buildRequest("graph.addVertex(label, 'entity','uri','');")
producer ! simple
producer ! create
flow example
Here is a file streaming example (bulk loader)
def response(res:Gremlin.Response):Unit = {
println(s"The response is ${res}")
val gclient = new GremlinClient(host="ws://localhost:8182",maxInFlight=100, onResponse = Some(response))
val csv = new File("/path/to/csv")
val flow = FileIO.fromFile(outFile)
maximumFrameLength = 1000000,
allowTruncation = false))
.mapConcat{ line =>
// parse and form some gremlin groove insert script
// we call that `gscript`
gclient.connectFlow(flow) // connect and run graph