This changeset brings CUDA11 and CUDNN8 support to SystemDS. All required API changes to successfully compile & run have been applied. A few library functions are still on the ToDo...
Hello! When using the latest JCuda to do a sparse matrix multiplication, the parameters externalBuffer1 of cusparseSpGEMM_workEstimation(...) and externalBuffer2 of cusparseSpGEMM_compute(...) are checked for being NULL [1], [2] and an...
A fix on the conditional that is now not applied in the outer product template, needs more work to get it right (see discussion on commit
I looked at the bug :bug: @Shafaq-Siddiqi mentioned. I didn't find where to fix it, but I'll leave some more information for somebody to fix it: I reduced the DML...
I would prefer some other way to shutdown the server than `shutdown`. Fist of all a check is missing since we only start a subprocess if no SystemDS instance is...