Robert Rollins
Robert Rollins
OS: MacOS Scout-App Version: 2.18.16 I discovered Scout-App today, and it's great! It does exactly what I need, and nothing else, which is more than I can say for my...
Due to the way that `CondensedInlinePanel` renders its form, the usual django `help_text` gets displayed over top of the inline panel code. The way `InlinePanel` usually works is to put...
As I mentioned over on the wagtail queue, it'd be nice if the text that's displayed when a block is collapsed were customizable. It's supposedly possible, but how does it...
I'm not sure what's causing this (where's the `` in this repo...?), but installing django-q into my virtualenv just now, in my first attempts to check it out and see...
I started using Django Q today as an alternative to Celery, so that I wouldn't have to use redis for my extremely simple project that only needs to do an...
Can the Xapian backend offer case insensitive search? I just switched to Xapian from Whoosh, and without changing any of my code, my searches became case sensitive. I would like...
Considering that the Explorer represents the contents and layout of the main site menu, the fact that the default sort order is locked as `-latest_revision_created_at` is frustrating. It means that...
Please make Sequel Ace remember which export type you last used. Or have a setting for the default.
I never ever _ever_ **ever** want to export as CSV, but Sequel Ace almost ALWAYS defaults to that format when I use File -> Export. I switch to the SQL...
I've been grappling with an absolutely baffling problem with the S3 credentials within some of the projects I've been recently updating dependencies for, and after almost a day of frustration,...
I recently banged my head against the wall for a while to figure out why files being uploaded from my site were being renamed with underscores and non-alphanumeric characters (like...