coraza-proxy-wasm copied to clipboard
error could not find wasm-opt, set the WASMOPT environment variable to override during build
Tried runnign go run mage.go build with tinygo version 0.31.2 and go version 1.21 5 and got following error go: downloading v0.0.0-20230725210150-fb29fc3c913e
error: could not find wasm-opt, set the WASMOPT environment variable to override Error: running "tinygo build -gc=custom -opt=2 -o build/mainraw.wasm -scheduler=none -target=wasi -tags='custommalloc nottinygc_envoy no_fs_access memoize_builders coraza.rule.multiphase_evaluation'" failed with exit code 1 exit status 1
Any diea how to resolve this. When googling i found this is because binaryen is not available. is it something that needs to be installed?