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xtts ft demo: empty `csv` files with the `format_audio_list`
I use the formatter method to process my audio files(Chinese language), but I got the csv files with no data. Because it has never met the condition of if word.word[-1] in ["!", ".", "?"]:
below is my code:
datapath = "/mnt/workspace/tdy.tdy/mp3_lww"
out_path = "/mnt/workspace/tdy.tdy/mp3_lww_train"
os.makedirs(out_path, exist_ok=True)
whisper_path = "/mnt/workspace/.cache/modelscope/keepitsimple/faster-whisper-large-v3"
target_language = 'zh'
import os
from os import path as osp
import torchaudio
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import torch
from faster_whisper import WhisperModel
import pandas
import gc
# Loading Whisper
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
print("Loading Whisper Model!")
asr_model = WhisperModel(whisper_path, device=device, compute_type="float16", local_files_only=True)
def plot_waveform(waveform, sample_rate):
waveform = waveform.numpy()
num_channels, num_frames = waveform.shape
time_axis = torch.arange(0, num_frames) / sample_rate
figure, axes = plt.subplots(num_channels, 1)
if num_channels == 1:
axes = [axes]
for c in range(num_channels):
axes[c].plot(time_axis, waveform[c], linewidth=1)
if num_channels > 1:
axes[c].set_ylabel(f"Channel {c+1}")
print("Reading audio files!")
audio_files = os.listdir(datapath)
audio_total_size = 0
metadata = {"audio_file": [], "text": [], "speaker_name": []}
for f in audio_files:
if f.endswith('mp3'):
audio_path = osp.join(datapath, f)
wav, sr = torchaudio.load(audio_path)
if wav.size(0) != 1:
wav = torch.mean(wav, dim=0, keepdim=True)
wav = wav.squeeze()
audio_total_size += (wav.size(-1) / sr)
# plot_waveform(wav, sr)
segments, _ = asr_model.transcribe(audio_path, word_timestamps=True, language=target_language)
segments = list(segments)
i = 0
sentence = ""
sentence_start = None
first_word = True
# added all segments words in a unique list
words_list = []
for _, segment in enumerate(segments):
words = list(segment.words)
# process each word
for word_idx, word in enumerate(words_list):
if first_word:
sentence_start = word.start
# If it is the first sentence, add buffer or get the begining of the file
if word_idx == 0:
sentence_start = max(sentence_start - buffer, 0) # Add buffer to the sentence start
# get previous sentence end
previous_word_end = words_list[word_idx - 1].end
# add buffer or get the silence midle between the previous sentence and the current one
sentence_start = max(sentence_start - buffer, (previous_word_end + sentence_start)/2)
sentence = word.word
first_word = False
sentence += word.word
if word.word[-1] in ["!", ".", "?"]:
sentence = sentence[1:]
# Expand number and abbreviations plus normalization
sentence = multilingual_cleaners(sentence, target_language)
audio_file_name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(audio_path))
audio_file = f"wavs/{audio_file_name}_{str(i).zfill(8)}.wav"
# Check for the next word's existence
if word_idx + 1 < len(words_list):
next_word_start = words_list[word_idx + 1].start
# If don't have more words it means that it is the last sentence then use the audio len as next word start
next_word_start = (wav.shape[0] - 1) / sr
# Average the current word end and next word start
word_end = min((word.end + next_word_start) / 2, word.end + buffer)
absoulte_path = os.path.join(out_path, audio_file)
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(absoulte_path), exist_ok=True)
i += 1
first_word = True
audio = wav[int(sr*sentence_start):int(sr*word_end)].unsqueeze(0)
# if the audio is too short ignore it (i.e < 0.33 seconds)
if audio.size(-1) >= sr/3:,
df = pandas.DataFrame(metadata)
df = df.sample(frac=1)
num_val_samples = int(len(df)*eval_percentage)
df_eval = df[:num_val_samples]
df_train = df[num_val_samples:]
df_train = df_train.sort_values('audio_file')
train_metadata_path = os.path.join(out_path, "metadata_train.csv")
df_train.to_csv(train_metadata_path, sep="|", index=False)
eval_metadata_path = os.path.join(out_path, "metadata_eval.csv")
df_eval = df_eval.sort_values('audio_file')
df_eval.to_csv(eval_metadata_path, sep="|", index=False)
# deallocate VRAM and RAM
del asr_model, df_train, df_eval, df, metadata
print('audio total size: ', audio_total_size)
I am sure that the whisper model outputs are fine:
(Pdb) words_list[0]
Word(start=0.0, end=0.42, word='δ½', probability=0.82470703125)
below is the official code of format_audio_list methods
def format_audio_list(audio_files, target_language="en", out_path=None, buffer=0.2, eval_percentage=0.15, speaker_name="coqui", gradio_progress=None):
audio_total_size = 0
# make sure that ooutput file exists
os.makedirs(out_path, exist_ok=True)
# Loading Whisper
device = "cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu"
print("Loading Whisper Model!")
asr_model = WhisperModel("large-v2", device=device, compute_type="float16")
metadata = {"audio_file": [], "text": [], "speaker_name": []}
if gradio_progress is not None:
tqdm_object = gradio_progress.tqdm(audio_files, desc="Formatting...")
tqdm_object = tqdm(audio_files)
for audio_path in tqdm_object:
wav, sr = torchaudio.load(audio_path)
# stereo to mono if needed
if wav.size(0) != 1:
wav = torch.mean(wav, dim=0, keepdim=True)
wav = wav.squeeze()
audio_total_size += (wav.size(-1) / sr)
segments, _ = asr_model.transcribe(audio_path, word_timestamps=True, language=target_language)
segments = list(segments)
i = 0
sentence = ""
sentence_start = None
first_word = True
# added all segments words in a unique list
words_list = []
for _, segment in enumerate(segments):
words = list(segment.words)
# process each word
for word_idx, word in enumerate(words_list):
if first_word:
sentence_start = word.start
# If it is the first sentence, add buffer or get the begining of the file
if word_idx == 0:
sentence_start = max(sentence_start - buffer, 0) # Add buffer to the sentence start
# get previous sentence end
previous_word_end = words_list[word_idx - 1].end
# add buffer or get the silence midle between the previous sentence and the current one
sentence_start = max(sentence_start - buffer, (previous_word_end + sentence_start)/2)
sentence = word.word
first_word = False
sentence += word.word
if word.word[-1] in ["!", ".", "?"]:
sentence = sentence[1:]
# Expand number and abbreviations plus normalization
sentence = multilingual_cleaners(sentence, target_language)
audio_file_name, _ = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(audio_path))
audio_file = f"wavs/{audio_file_name}_{str(i).zfill(8)}.wav"
# Check for the next word's existence
if word_idx + 1 < len(words_list):
next_word_start = words_list[word_idx + 1].start
# If don't have more words it means that it is the last sentence then use the audio len as next word start
next_word_start = (wav.shape[0] - 1) / sr
# Average the current word end and next word start
word_end = min((word.end + next_word_start) / 2, word.end + buffer)
absoulte_path = os.path.join(out_path, audio_file)
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(absoulte_path), exist_ok=True)
i += 1
first_word = True
audio = wav[int(sr*sentence_start):int(sr*word_end)].unsqueeze(0)
# if the audio is too short ignore it (i.e < 0.33 seconds)
if audio.size(-1) >= sr/3:,
df = pandas.DataFrame(metadata)
df = df.sample(frac=1)
num_val_samples = int(len(df)*eval_percentage)
df_eval = df[:num_val_samples]
df_train = df[num_val_samples:]
df_train = df_train.sort_values('audio_file')
train_metadata_path = os.path.join(out_path, "metadata_train.csv")
df_train.to_csv(train_metadata_path, sep="|", index=False)
eval_metadata_path = os.path.join(out_path, "metadata_eval.csv")
df_eval = df_eval.sort_values('audio_file')
df_eval.to_csv(eval_metadata_path, sep="|", index=False)
# deallocate VRAM and RAM
del asr_model, df_train, df_eval, df, metadata
return train_metadata_path, eval_metadata_path, audio_total_size
Originally posted by @dorbodwolf in