endoh1 copied to clipboard
Ascii Fluid Dynamics (not my code but an ioccc.org submission that is amazing)
original submission:
# include<stdio.h>// .IOCCC Fluid- #
# include <unistd.h> //2012 _Sim!_ #
# include<complex.h> //|||| ,____. IOCCC- #
# define h for( x=011; 2012/* #
# */-1>x ++;)b[ x]//-' winner #
# define f(p,e) for(/* #
# */p=a; e,p<r; p+=5)// #
# define z(e,i) f(p,p/* #
## */[i]=e)f(q,w=cabs (d=*p- *q)/2- 1)if(0 <(x=1- w))p[i]+=w*/// ##
double complex a [ 97687] ,*p,*q ,*r=a, w=0,d; int x,y;char b/* ##
## */[6856]="\x1b[2J" "\x1b" "[1;1H ", *o= b, *t; int main (){/** ##
## */for( ;0<(x= getc ( stdin) );)w=x >10?32< x?4[/* ##
## */*r++ =w,r]= w+1,*r =r[5]= x==35, r+=9:0 ,w-I/* ##
## */:(x= w+2);; for(;; puts(o ),o=b+ 4){z(p [1]*/* ##
## */9,2) w;z(G, 3)(d*( 3-p[2] -q[2]) *P+p[4 ]*V-/* ##
## */q[4] *V)/p[ 2];h=0 ;f(p,( t=b+10 +(x=*p *I)+/* ##
## */80*( y=*p/2 ),*p+=p [4]+=p [3]/10 *!p[1]) )x=0/* ##
## */ <=x &&x<79 &&0<=y&&y<23?1[1 [*t|=8 ,t]|=4,t+=80]=1/* ##
## */, *t |=2:0; h=" '`-.|//,\\" "|\\_" "\\/\x23\n"[x/** ##
## */%80- 9?x[b] :16];;usleep( 12321) ;}return 0;}/* ##
#### ####
original video
original code is here:
when attempting this command:
wget -r http://ioccc.org/2012/endoh1/
it would grab a slew more projects.
Instead I pushed it to this repo and even made a docker to make life easier for those interested in studying this sort of stuff.
docker repo
git pull copremesis/ascii-fluid
docker run -it -w /root/endoh1 copremesis/ascii-fluid bash
make # default endoh1
make endoh1_color # colorized version
make endoh1_deobfuscate # slightly easier to read version (formatted at least)
I can only imagine -- as an exercise -- to attempt to translate this into:
- rust
- kotlin
- clojure
- groovy
- java
- python
- php
- go
- node
- haskell
- erlang
- elixir
- ruby
- perl