Cooper Quintin

Results 45 comments of Cooper Quintin

I think @dhowe is talking about the [list that we are generating for third parties to consume]( We actually scan the alexa to 1 million. But for domains not on...

Agreed I think an email address and a self reporting feature in privacy badger are the way to go . A self test tool is also not a bad idea....

I will gladly accept pull requests for this, or will provide assistance to a project that is doing this, but I don't have the time to make those versions.

Do you mean that privacy badger should not run when localhost is in the url bar, or localhost as a third-party should never be marked as tracking?

@geminiimatt @paulate can you explain to me what the user story is here? I.e. why might a user want to pause privacy badger for a domain instead of disabling it...

Hmm, I can see how this would be annoying. There is a reason that I list all subdomains though, it's because sometimes you want to override just one subdomain. Either...

I like the auto grouping idea, not sure about 1 tab instead of three, I would want to see some usability studies first. But I'm all for anything that makes...

Do you happen to have page zoom set to something other than 100% in chrome settings? That seems to cause this issue.

That would be a good workaround for now. We should probably support larger font sizes long term though.

This is a similar enough problem to #147 and #142 that I think they can all be solved the same way. Here is the solution as I see it: #...