KinectShape copied to clipboard
Implementation of "kinect fusion" 3d shape reconstruction method
Implementation of "KinectFusion" 3d shape reconstruction method, described in:
"Richard A. Newcombe, Shahram Izadi, Otmar Hilliges, David Molyneaux, David Kim, Andrew J. Davison, Pushmeet Kohli, Jamie Shotton, Steve Hodges, Andrew W. Fitzgibbon: KinectFusion: Real-time dense surface mapping and tracking. ISMAR 2011: 127-136"
Demo video:
Released under the MIT license.
Build instructions
All underlying libraries and frameworks are cross-platform (Openframeworks, libfreenect, libeigen, CUDA SDK), so the project is supposed to be cross-platform. But for now, only makefile for linux is maintained, and it is tested only on Ubuntu 12.04. Requirements:
- Openframewokls 0071 with dependencies installed
- CUDA 4.1 setup: SDK, toolkit, dev driver; nvcc is supposed to be in $PATH; path to SDK and toolkit should be specified in config.make
- libusb-dev intalled
- libeigen3-dev intalled
- addons from ./all_addons directory pasted into OF_ROOT/addons (2do: should properly fork modified addons and add them as submodules)
- OF_ROOT set to Openframeworks path on config.make
- launch as root user, or use instructions on how to run OpenKinect without root privilegies (