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Roadmap for Release Candidate
- [x] jailbreakd improvements (#64)
- [x] split gnubinpack.tar into separate debs for each package and put them onto an APT repo
- [x] compile latest dpkg for ARM64 with the proper patches for extrainst_, etc. (nitoTV has a script for this)
- [x] compile latest APT for ARM64 (nitoTV has a script for this)
- [x] create dpkg info/status metadata as needed
- [x] detect if to.panga is installed and notify the user if it is
- [x] uninstall liberiOS if it's installed
- [x] wipe /bootstrap folder if it's present
- [x] Build Cydia and have cydo call into libjailbreak.dylib's setuid call
- [ ] Make sure SemiRestore11 works (only uninstall packages from Cydia until it's near stock)
- [x] Test to make sure installation works properly on WiFi-only iPad
- [x] Test to make sure installation works properly on Cellular iPad
- [x] Test to make sure installation works properly on iPhone
- [x] Test to make sure installation works properly on iPod touch
- [x] Release!
List of dependencies to get working:
Package | Electra Version |
apt7-key | |
apt7-lib | |
base | No binaries to be compiled |
bash | 4.4 |
berkeleydb | 6.2.23 (Thanks nitoTV/JayWalker!) |
bzip2 | 1.0.6 |
coreutils-bin | 8.28 |
cydia | 1.1.30-coolstar |
cydia-lproj | No binaries to be compiled |
darwintools | 1 |
debianutils (run-parts) | 4.8.4 |
diffutils | 3.6 |
dpkg | 1.18.24 (Thanks nitoTV/JayWalker!) |
findutils | 4.6 |
firmware-sbin | All binaries part of iOS |
gnupg | 1.4.22 |
gnupg2 | 2.2.3 (Thanks nitoTV/JayWalker!) |
grep | 3.1 |
gzip | 1.8 |
ncurses | 5.9 (static) |
profile.d | No binaries to be compiled |
readline | Statically linked with bash |
sed | 4.2.2 |
shell-cmds | 203 |
system-cmds | 790 |
tar | 1.30 |
uikittools | 1.1.12 (TODO: iomfsetgamma, sbdidlaunch) |
xz (lzma) | 5.2.3 |
I really wouldn't use jjjj in its current state
For instance, it ships a setuid binary that any process can run. I could imagine some app store apps exploiting it (not against App Store ToS) if it's installed on a huge swath of devices. There's also a lot of issues with filesystem permissions, and other design choices, that would be hard to revert after mass adoption
Like, overall, jjjj is just an experiment, it wasn't meant to be widely adopted
Hi, could you make a version which would let us choose if we want to install Anemone or not? Or create a script to remove just anemone.
What about Limitless?
Also, I'd love to see #71. Pushing Anemone isn't that cool. It's great but I don't like the idea of forcing it with Electra.
@coolstar and the #25, ofc.
Limitless is wayyy behind Cydia’s master branch @stek29. Someone would have to work on merging those changes in
I don’t think Anemone will be bundled at all with the release candidate, but that’s up to coolstar to decide
Anemone won't be bundled with the Release Candidate, as users can download it from a repo post-install then
...nice to read/hear that ;)
For the to.panga uninstaller, /u/TomLube wrote this script that will remove most stuff
10.3.x will probably not be supported, no. Also, this is not a support forum -- it's a place for contributors to discuss technical implementations of the issues above. Please use /r/jailbreak or something for this style of questions
Bundle Installer 5 too?
no way
Cydia is easy to build. Just bundle Cydia and don't replace core components that the ecosystem relies on right now. Patch it if needed (and open source the patches 😛) but don't replace it with something entirely different just cause you have the opportunity to. Limitless's organisational differences would make it a headache to merge upstream anyway.
Would you consider doing something like blackra1n did? Having the option to choose one or more package installers (If more choose to be released, that is)? Like, blackra1n had options for Cydia, Icy and Rock, wouldn’t it be a good idea to implement something similar here?
no. we cannot ship something that does not exist.
I’m not saying to. I’m saying if they DO exist, would you include them as options.
We'll see when they release it
#109 completes the to.panga issue
For generating DPKG list files:
echo -n "Building list for "
echo $(basename $(pwd))
find . -not -path "./DEBIAN/*" -not -path "./DEBIAN" > /bootstrap/deb-build/lists/$(basename $(pwd)).list
# Find \.\/
# Replace \/
sed -i -e 's/\.\//\//g' /bootstrap/deb-build/lists/$(basename $(pwd)).list
sed -i -e '0,/\./s/\./\/\./' /bootstrap/deb-build/lists/$(basename $(pwd)).list
(Run inside the folder containing the deb's contents)
After watching twitter and looking through the code.... isn’t this a bit outdated? I completely understand your busy readying for the release but without a clear path to follow and stead progress of said path it is easy to get sidetracked when developing. This said from experience. Lol.
Hey coolstar, I tried to message you on Twitter but I'm blocked. I'd try and find you on discord but my main rig is dedicated to finishing my Android app for the HR department where I work. And college homework. Lol going having games and a virtual mac that if start too slip on my assignments. Anyways, how do I reach out to you? I'd like to grill you on some of the differences between Android and iOS development. If you don't want your info out my website www.bro-programming.pro has contact info for me. Thanks.
@Vahalaru I really don't understand your comment at all. First, you say that you want to reach @coolstar using discord, but you can't because your PC has android dev tools on it. You know that Discord has a web version, so that whole section is total b.s.
Then you say you want to talk about the differences between iOS / Android development. Seriously, those are two different platforms using different programming languages and ui elements. So what's the point to tell about that...
And finally, you post a link to some website which mainly links to other guides / references. That website (and your whole comment), are not in a single way related to this issue or Electra at all.
This thread is not a support forum (like mentioned above), so please don't ask such things here. Also, think about heat you say. Coolstar probably blocked you on twitter for a reason, and all this b.s. talk just confirms why he did so.
After watching twitter and looking through the code.... isn’t this a bit outdated?
Look at other branches