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[WIP] Feat: Fix all deletion issues, add graceful shutdown to everything and add 2 step delete confirmation
Fixes: Fixes: Fixes: Fixes: Fixes: Fixes: Add:
Fix: Stopping large amounts of containers (for example Appwrite, 21 Containers) would fail in some cases and then they would not be deleted properly form the server (not properly stopped at all):
Feat: Add longer timeout (300s) wiche should be more then enough for larger amounts of containers (custom kill timeout is not needed because of this and the fix above)
Fix: Network deletion of services and applications after their deletion
Fix: Unused image deletion after services and application deletion
Fix: database, services and application containers, networks, unused images are properly deletion on stop
Fix: Cleanup unused images after deleting a database
Feat: Setting to enable/ disabel network deletion and docker cleanup:
Feat: Add 2 step confirmation so stuff is not deleted on accident: 1 confirmation:
2 confirmation:
- Feat: Graceful Service containers stop (tries gracefully first, otherwise kills the containers)
- Feat: Graceful Application stop (tries gracefully first, otherwise kills the containers)
- Feat: Graceful Database stop (tries gracefully first, otherwise kills the containers)
- Improvement: graceful_shutdown_container container kills the container if it wont shut down
TODO: Go trough everything a last time and check in detail if everything is working as expected
TODO: Preview Deployments are not deleted -> Check?
TODO: Check Application deletion and stop in more detail
TODO: public function delete_volumes(?Collection $persistentStorages) -> use graceful shutdown?
TODO: Add network deletion for unused ones
TODO: Add multi step confirmation to all other deletion actions -> In the current state they do not work, fix that
Failed to execute: docker volume rm -f zkggkwowo848kc8wokog40ow_appwrite-functions
-> volumes are removed twice -
TODO: Containers are stopped twice