just my two cents opinion..quite not relevant but I like the concept about virtual actor of Orleans from Microsoft.
Great! I will do some investigation first. Thanks
I have built jDiameter successfully, now I am digging into the code and docs for insights..I am also trying to setup segull and the simulator found in this link
I have excuted TLS testing scenarios configured with seagull client and jDiameter server..get an error of SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ from openssl..I will analyse more from tcpdump and enabled debug log.
@brainslog, thanks for your is actually Seagull can work with both RFC 3588 and RFC 6733 based on its configuration scenerios. I was able to test both of them...
@deruelle Hi, sorry last week I did not touch much. I have excuted the client/server with trace log enabled and understood the execution flow. I have changed the jDiameter code...
Hi, it takes more time than I thought. There was a problem at TLS handshaking between jDiameter server and Seagull client. The client has not sent any setup information to...
ClientHello was sent but server did not understand it. I have changed ClientHello message with different formats like SSLv2Hello, SSLv3, TLS advertised as Java supported but no luck so far....
@deruelle @brainslog I did all TLS java debug enabling but the info was not very useful. I have spotted out one thing which is quite suspicious. Looks like the handshake...
@jehanzebqayyum seagull can be configured to work with both RFCs, I will post a guide here later today