dfile icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
dfile copied to clipboard

[Python + Flask] DFile: A fancy S3-based file sharing mode

[Python] DFile: A fancy S3-based file sharing mode

Codacy Badge

This is a no-bullshit and S3-based file hosting that also runs on https://dfile.app


DFile backend (api)

Before running the service for the first time, run

cp config.sample config.py

Modify config.py (mainly setup your S3)

DOMAIN = "http://localhost:5000"
S3_REGION = "<s3 region>"
S3_ENDPOINT = "https://s3-domain.com"
S3_KEY = "<your s3 key>"
S3_SECRET = "<your s3 secret>"

Run it

python3 -m venv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
export FLASK_APP=app
export FLASK_ENV=development
export FLASK_DEBUG=1
flask run --host --port 5000

DFile frontend (app)

Install yarn first: https://yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/install/

# run
cd app
yarn dev

# export to production
yarn export

How to use

# Upload using cURL
➜ curl -F [email protected] https://dfile.herokuapp.com

# Download the file
➜ curl -L https://dfile.app/d/F5r3yiDM.png -o xxx.png

Release History

  • 2020/05/20: https://github.com/coolcode/dfile/tree/v0.20.0520

    • UI theme changed from Semantic React to Reactstrap (aka. React Bootstrap)
    • nextjs upgraded to 9.4.2
    • reactjs upgraded to 16.13.1
  • 2020/05/16: https://github.com/coolcode/dfile/tree/v0.20.0516

    • File server changed from DigitalOcean to AWS S3
    • API server changed from Singapore to USA (us-west-2)
    • Saved uploads and downloads to Postgresql (us-west-2)
    • API changed to https://dfile.herokuapp.com
    • Shorten file url, easy to share file. https://dfile.app/d/F5r3yiDM.png
    • Breaking changes, old files in Singapore server would be removed.
  • 2019/10/21: https://github.com/coolcode/dfile/tree/v0.19.1021

    • S3-based file sharing mode
    • Deployed to DigitalOcean
    • All servers were in Singapore
  • 2019/10/03: https://github.com/coolcode/dfile/tree/v0.19.1003

    • IPFS-based file sharing mode
    • Deployed to DigitalOcean
    • All servers were in Singapore