devout icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
devout copied to clipboard

Write R graphics output devices in plain R



devout is a package that enables R graphics devices to be written in plain R.

devout uses a pseudo-graphics-device which translates graphics calls into a call to an R function of your design.

This means we can create alternative output devices (like pdf() or png()) using only plain R.

How normal (C/C++) graphics devices work

animation (click to close)

How the devout device enables plain R graphics devices

animation (click to close)

What’s in the box

  • rdevice() - a generic device wrapper which will call the given R function to handle the graphics drawing.
  • Two example devices written in plain R (but using the underlying rdevice())
    • descriptive() - an output device which dumps information about the device calls.
    • ascii() - a graphics device which outputs an ascii representation of the plot to a file, or to the console/terminal

How do I write my own graphics device?

If you want to write your own graphics device in plain R using devout you can:

  1. Read the R/ascii-callback.R included in the package
  2. Read the vignettes.

A series of 4 vignettes are included in this package. They walk through the process of writing a naive SVG graphics device.


You can install from GitHub with:

# install.packages("remotes")

Simple device written in plain R: debug device

The following 5 lines of code are about the simplest device you can write with devout in plain R.

This devices prints each of the device calls that were generated when the plot was “drawn”.

# Write a function which takes 3 arguments
# @param device_call name of device function call
# @param args the arguments to that device call
# @param state current state of the graphics device
debug_function <- function(device_call, args, state) {
  if (device_call %in% c('mode', 'strWidthUTF8', 'metricInfo')) return()
  cat("[", device_call, "]: ")
  cat(paste(names(args), args, sep = " = ", collapse = ",  "), "\n", sep = "")
# Call the 'rdevice' and tell it that all calls should be passed to 
# the above 'debug_function'
[ open ]: 
[ activate ]: 

[ holdflush ]: level = 1

[ newPage ]: 
[ clip ]: x0 = 59.04,  y0 = 502.56,  x1 = 689.76,  y1 = 59.04
[ circle ]: x = 82.4,  y = 486.133333333333,  r = 2.7
[ circle ]: x = 147.288888888889,  y = 440.503703703704,  r = 2.7
[ circle ]: x = 212.177777777778,  y = 394.874074074074,  r = 2.7
[ circle ]: x = 277.066666666667,  y = 349.244444444444,  r = 2.7
[ circle ]: x = 341.955555555556,  y = 303.614814814815,  r = 2.7
[ circle ]: x = 406.844444444445,  y = 257.985185185185,  r = 2.7
[ circle ]: x = 471.733333333333,  y = 212.355555555556,  r = 2.7
[ circle ]: x = 536.622222222222,  y = 166.725925925926,  r = 2.7
[ circle ]: x = 601.511111111111,  y = 121.096296296296,  r = 2.7
[ circle ]: x = 666.4,  y = 75.4666666666666,  r = 2.7
[ clip ]: x0 = 0,  y0 = 576,  x1 = 720,  y1 = 0
[ line ]: x1 = 147.288888888889,  y1 = 502.56,  x2 = 666.4,  y2 = 502.56
[ line ]: x1 = 147.288888888889,  y1 = 502.56,  x2 = 147.288888888889,  y2 = 509.76
[ line ]: x1 = 277.066666666667,  y1 = 502.56,  x2 = 277.066666666667,  y2 = 509.76
[ line ]: x1 = 406.844444444445,  y1 = 502.56,  x2 = 406.844444444445,  y2 = 509.76
[ line ]: x1 = 536.622222222222,  y1 = 502.56,  x2 = 536.622222222222,  y2 = 509.76
[ line ]: x1 = 666.4,  y1 = 502.56,  x2 = 666.4,  y2 = 509.76
[ textUTF8 ]: x = 129.288888888889,  y = 528.48,  str = 2,  rot = 0,  hadj = 0
[ textUTF8 ]: x = 259.066666666667,  y = 528.48,  str = 4,  rot = 0,  hadj = 0
[ textUTF8 ]: x = 388.844444444445,  y = 528.48,  str = 6,  rot = 0,  hadj = 0
[ textUTF8 ]: x = 518.622222222222,  y = 528.48,  str = 8,  rot = 0,  hadj = 0
[ textUTF8 ]: x = 642.4,  y = 528.48,  str = 10,  rot = 0,  hadj = 0
[ line ]: x1 = 59.04,  y1 = 440.503703703704,  x2 = 59.04,  y2 = 75.4666666666666
[ line ]: x1 = 59.04,  y1 = 440.503703703704,  x2 = 51.84,  y2 = 440.503703703704
[ line ]: x1 = 59.04,  y1 = 349.244444444444,  x2 = 51.84,  y2 = 349.244444444444
[ line ]: x1 = 59.04,  y1 = 257.985185185185,  x2 = 51.84,  y2 = 257.985185185185
[ line ]: x1 = 59.04,  y1 = 166.725925925926,  x2 = 51.84,  y2 = 166.725925925926
[ line ]: x1 = 59.04,  y1 = 75.4666666666666,  x2 = 51.84,  y2 = 75.4666666666666
[ textUTF8 ]: x = 41.76,  y = 458.503703703704,  str = 2,  rot = 90,  hadj = 0
[ textUTF8 ]: x = 41.76,  y = 367.244444444444,  str = 4,  rot = 90,  hadj = 0
[ textUTF8 ]: x = 41.76,  y = 275.985185185185,  str = 6,  rot = 90,  hadj = 0
[ textUTF8 ]: x = 41.76,  y = 184.725925925926,  str = 8,  rot = 90,  hadj = 0
[ textUTF8 ]: x = 41.76,  y = 99.4666666666666,  str = 10,  rot = 90,  hadj = 0
[ polygon ]: n = 4,  x = c(59.04, 689.76, 689.76, 59.04),  y = c(502.56, 502.56, 59.04, 59.04)
[ clip ]: x0 = 0,  y0 = 576,  x1 = 720,  y1 = 0
[ textUTF8 ]: x = 332.4,  y = 557.28,  str = Index,  rot = 0,  hadj = 0
[ textUTF8 ]: x = 12.96,  y = 316.8,  str = 1:10,  rot = 90,  hadj = 0
[ holdflush ]: level = -1

[ close ]: 

ascii() device

This is an example of a more complete graphics device. It is written in plain R and relies on devout for all the interfacing with C++ and the internals of R.

The ascii() device draws an approximation of the graphics using ASCII characters on the console (by default) or saved to a text file (if specified).


  • No support for: filled polygons, plotmath, alpha blending, angled text, rasters
  • You should probably always add theme(legend.position = 'none') because legends look awful in ascii.

ggplot2: Basic scatterplot


p <- ggplot(mtcars) + 
  geom_point(aes(mpg, wt)) +
    y     = "Car Weight",
    title    = "Basic scatter plot",
    subtitle = "Rendered with devout::ascii()"
  )  + 

ascii(width = 100)
    Basic scatter plot                                                                              
    Rendered with devout::ascii()                                                                   
    |  .#       .       #.        .        .         .        .        .        .        .         |
  5 |  .        .        .        .        .         .        .        .        .        .         |
    |  .        .        .        .        .         .        .        .        .        .         |
    |  .        .        .        .        .         .        .        .        .        .         |
C 4 O.........................#....................................................................|
a   |  .        .  #     .#       #      # .         .        .        .        .        .         |
r   |..................#.#.#.......................................................................|
    |  .        .        .#       .##  # # .         .        .        .        .        .         |
W   |  .        .        .  #     .        .     #   .#     # .        .        .        .         |
e 3 O..........................................#...................................................|
i   |  .        .        .        .       #.   # #   .        .        .        .        .         |
g   |............................................#.................................................|
h   |  .        .        .        .        .         .#       .        .        .        #         |
t   O.............................................................#................................|
  2 |  .        .        .        .        .         .        .       #.        .        .     #   |
    |  .        .        .        .        .         .        .        .        . #      .         |

pie plot in base R

ascii(width = 100) 
pie(c(cool = 4, but = 2, use = 1, less = 8))
                                   but     ##############                                           
                                       ####    #         ####  cool                                 
                                    ###        #             ###                                    
                                  ##            #               ##                                  
                          use    ## ###         #                ##                                 
                               ##      ###      #                  #                                
                               #          ###    #                  #                               
                               #########     ### #                  #                               
                              #         ##############################                              
                              #                                     #                               
                               #                                    #                               
                               ##                                  ##                               
                                ##                                ##                                
                                 ##                              ##                                 
                                  ###                          ###                                  
                                    ####                    ####                                    
                                       #####            #####                                       

geom_sf() map of the Gulf of Mexico

geom\_sf() example (click to open)
  • Example taken from the r-spatial website
  • This would probably look better with filled polygons, but they are not supported yet.
world <- ne_countries(scale = "medium", returnclass = "sf")

world_points <- st_centroid(world)
world_points <- cbind(world, st_coordinates(st_centroid(world$geometry)))

ascii(width = 200)
ggplot(data = world) +
  geom_sf() +
  geom_text(data= world_points,aes(x=X, y=Y, label=name),
            color = "darkblue", fontface = "bold", check_overlap = FALSE) +
  annotate(geom = "text", x = -90, y = 26, label = "Gulf of Mexico", fontface = "italic", color = "grey22", size = 6) +
  coord_sf(xlim = c(-102.15, -74.12), ylim = c(7.65, 33.97), expand = FALSE) + 

Ideas for other Output Devices

  • Colour ASCII/ANSI output
  • Audio output
  • HPGL plotting output
  • CNC machine tooling instructions
  • Directly drive motors to power an etch-a-sketch


  • v0.2.0 - Major refactor. devout is now a way of writing graphics devices in plain R with the ascii() device as an example.
  • v0.1.2 - Added support for multiple page output
  • v0.1.1 - Added support for path objects, so more map plots now work.
  • v0.1.0 - initial release