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An element that allows simple configuration of multiple provider login for firebase
👋 Hello, we've received a report for a potential critical severity security issue in your repository. #### Next Steps 1️⃣ Visit **https://huntr.dev/bounties/1-other-convoo/login-fire** for more advisory information. 2️⃣ **[Sign-up](https://huntr.dev/)** to validate...
Fix: https://github.com/convoo/login-fire/issues/31 Follow-up: https://github.com/convoo/login-fire/pull/135
Interface in French, error in English.
Hello everyone, With the new EU law related to private data and stuff (GDPR), we must follow new rules. Not exhaustive list : - Double opt-ins users, users must confirm...
The elements expose the `inProgress` property to let you know if a sign-in/sign-up request is in progress. When the attribute `auto` is set to `true`, the element signs the user...
Firstly, Great component! Thanks for putting it together! I was wondering if you have an API that can help with email verification or any thoughts on how to implement in...
Sites often need the user to accept their terms and privacy statements before signing up. This could be achieved for example by: - Exposing the `disabled` property - Adding a...
After a signup or login, chrome's and other password manger should display a prompt to save the password. This usually happens via a form submission. But can we fake it...
Please add [phone number sign-in](https://firebase.google.com/docs/auth/web/phone-auth) to ``. Something like: ```html ```
We should add a message and/or fire an event when cookies are not enabled. We would still have some issues for when they are enabled for some domains and not...