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Contiv Installer

Results 54 install issues
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Docker Version: 17.09 CentOS 7 (1708) base Existing docker native swarm Remote API TLS secured on 2376 Firewalld disabled (all ports open) Apologies if I should be posting this in...

I got following error when I try to install contiv. I have followed the given instruction in `` and when I run `make` I get the following error. ``` Digest:...

When I finished installing, contiv continued in the pending state ![image](

**Docker version 18.09.1, build 4c52b90** Getting following Vulnerabilities please help us to fixe it. ``` SSL Medium Strength Cipher Suites Supported | 3376 | Medium Strength Ciphers (> 64-bit and...

CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 docker 18.09 kubeadm 1.13 kubeadm init --kubernetes-version=v1.13.0 --pod-network-cidr= --apiserver-advertise-address= wget tar zxvf contiv-1.2.0.tgz cd contiv-1.2.0/ ./install/k8s/ -n ...... contiv netmaster is not ready !!...

contiv can support etcdv3 ?

The ping to Google's DNS in [Chapter 4: Connecting pods to external networks]( is not working: ``` [vagrant@kubeadm-master contiv-1.1.1]$ kubectl exec -it contiv-c1 sh / # ping -c 3

Using contiv 1.1.9, the install/k8s/ script attempts to extract netctl from the contiv/netplugin:1.1.9 Docker image: The referenced path, /contiv/bin/netctl does not exist in that image, and therefore install fails...

I use netctl to create a subnet cmd: netctl net create -t cisco -n data -e vlan -p 120 -s -g cisco but i found pods on differnt...

time="Aug 23 12:46:49.953782944" level=warning msg="Sleep 1 second and retry pulling global settings" time="Aug 23 12:46:50.955101468" level=warning msg="Error reading global settings from cluster store, error: key not found*EtcdStateDriver).Read [etcdstatedriver.go 130]...