Chris Robinson
Chris Robinson
Nice work, need this badly!
@richtabor I haven't
It's been a while, but any updates on this? Definitely a much-needed addition.
I think breaking it into "Content", "Images" & "Menus" would be the best route, unless its just as easy to add "Posts", "Pages" & "Custom Post Types" that'd be ideal...
Honestly, think we need a uncheck images option for all those people out there with slow ass shared servers, its one of the main things I deal with on a...
Timeout/admin ajax issues from the importer.
Next one I run into I’ll check their raw logs.
This is the same error I was getting due to cheap server environment timeouts, what's funny is using the WordPress V2 Importer on its own with the XML the batch...
Has development stopped, or?
@redlagoon That about hits the nail on its head from what I've seen on many different buyers cheap shared environments.