go-cni copied to clipboard
ip may be leaked when call RunPodSandbox failed
- containerd 1.4.0
- cni v0.6.0
cni configuration
"hairpinMode": true,
containerd log
Oct 13 19:57:27 node-6 containerd: time="2020-10-13T19:57:27.000650503+08:00" level=error msg="Failed to destroy network for sandbox \"48579e8be48f4e17144c81e6750947513bd790985c3513a78a84d3569d94b33c\"" error="delegateDel: error invoking ConflistDel - \"cni0\": conflistDel: error in getting result from DelNetworkList: could not teardown ipv4 snat: running [/usr/sbin/iptables -t nat -N CNI-SN-789e45a28000a6e5f5d67 --wait]: exit status 4: iptables: Resource temporarily unavailable.\n"
ip recycled
ip leaked
look like, this should be cni question, but cni plugins should return failed also
fyi we moved up to the latest cni, cni plugins, and cni config in containerd v1.4.1
were you running with containerd in -l debug
temporarily unavailable sounds like a zombie process issue... qemu-kvm?
lots of variables here..
fyi we moved up to the latest cni, cni plugins, and cni config in containerd v1.4.1
were you running with containerd in
-l debug
mode?temporarily unavailable sounds like a zombie process issue... qemu-kvm?
lots of variables here..
sorry for many info lost.
- use kata-shim to run secure container. and the binary file qemu-kvm which used by kata-shim was removed sometime.
- now we create a secure pod
journalctl -eu containerd -o cat
will see RunPodSandbox failed, but the ip which had allocated was not recycled.
In the error log, I see mentions of Deletion, however the command "/usr/sbin/iptables -t nat -N CNI-SN-789e45a28000a6e5f5d67 --wait" is creating a new iptables chain in the nat table which is an odd action when calling DEL. That error most likely came from the portmap plugin. When you say "ip leaked" is the error above preventing the ipam from reclaiming the ip address? I think flannel writes the currently used ip addresses to /var/lib/cni/networks? Are you seeing the ip address file to around after the pod is deleted?