installer copied to clipboard
Missing packages - sudo, gnupg, lsb-release
Hi there, i've just installed Consul democracy on Debian Bullseye (from Ubuntu server 20.04) and I had some issues with missing packages on Bullseye. After I've installed them, the installer continued
/etc/sudoers file missing - with deploy user entry
missing packages
apt install sudo
apt install gnupg
apt-get update && apt-get install -y lsb-release && apt-get clean all
There are also a few warnings regarding Postsgresql (further down below). I haven't looked into that yet
TASK [system : Update and upgrade apt packages (this may take a few minutes)] *************************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => changed=false
module_stderr: |-
Shared connection to closed.
module_stdout: |-
/bin/sh: 1: sudo: not found
msg: |-
See stdout/stderr for the exact error
rc: 127
TASK [system : Update and upgrade apt packages (this may take a few minutes)] *************************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => changed=false
module_stderr: |-
Shared connection to closed.
module_stdout: |-
/bin/sh: 1: sudo: not found
msg: |-
See stdout/stderr for the exact error
rc: 127
TASK [system : Add Node key] **************************************************************************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => changed=false
msg: 'Failed to find required executable "gpg" in paths: /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/games:/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin'
TASK [system : Get distribution codename] *************************************************************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => changed=true
cmd: lsb_release -c --short
delta: '0:00:00.002573'
end: '2023-10-10 22:40:25.932705'
msg: non-zero return code
rc: 127
start: '2023-10-10 22:40:25.930132'
stderr: '/bin/sh: 1: lsb_release: not found'
stderr_lines: <omitted>
stdout: ''
stdout_lines: <omitted>
ASK [postgresql : Create PostgreSQL database] ********************************************************************************
[WARNING]: Using world-readable permissions for temporary files Ansible needs to create when becoming an unprivileged user.
This may be insecure. For information on securing this, see
changed: [] => changed=true
db: consul_production
- CREATE DATABASE "consul_production"
TASK [postgresql : Create PostgreSQL users] ***********************************************************************************
[WARNING]: Using world-readable permissions for temporary files Ansible needs to create when becoming an unprivileged user.
This may be insecure. For information on securing this, see
changed: [] => changed=true
- 'CREATE USER "********" WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD %(password)s '
- GRANT TEMPORARY, CREATE, CONNECT ON DATABASE "consul_production" TO "********"
TASK [postgresql : Create the shared extensions schema] ***********************************************************************
[WARNING]: Using world-readable permissions for temporary files Ansible needs to create when becoming an unprivileged user.
This may be insecure. For information on securing this, see
changed: [] => changed=true
- CREATE SCHEMA "shared_extensions" AUTHORIZATION "deploy"
schema: shared_extensions
TASK [postgresql : Add PostgreSQL extensions] *********************************************************************************
[WARNING]: Using world-readable permissions for temporary files Ansible needs to create when becoming an unprivileged user.
This may be insecure. For information on securing this, see
ok: [] => (item=plpgsql) => changed=false
ansible_loop_var: item
db: consul_production
ext: plpgsql
item: plpgsql
queries: []
Hi, @hermann-san :smile:.
i've just installed Consul democracy on Debian Bullseye (from Ubuntu server 20.04)
I'm not sure I understand this statement :thinking:. How exactly are you installing Debian (first time I hear about a Debian distribution coming without sudo
:open_mouth:)? Are you installing it on Ubuntu using Docker or something like that?
Hi @javierm Javi it's Debian (debian-11.7.0-arm64-netinst.iso) on Proxmox in a LXC Container. That's where Consul is installed.
I'm using a Ubuntu 20.04 server VM with Ansible to run the installer from.
So there are 4 issues that caused the installer to stop.
missing sudoers file with "deploy" user entry
missing sudo package
missing gnupg package
missing lsb-release package
postgres warnings (installer didn't stop)
So maybe the above issues are a LXC container specific things then
@hermann-san The postgreSQL warnings happen on every platform. The missing packages seem to be LXC container specific since they're usually installed by default.
We could change the installer to install these packages anyway. The only tricky one is the sudoers file, since currently the first thing we do is adding a user, and for that we assume that sudo is already installed :thinking:.
Thanks for reporting!