I have the same issue, I can manually work around to see and interact with the communities I want to. But I feel like no one will ever be able...
That didn't seem to fix it. But they closed it. Which is fine. I'll add more detail here: Can ping,, my instance shows as a linked instance...
> @conroyke56 hi, thanks for your feedback. > > Can you reproduce on runboat too? > > I'm not actually sure how to do that. But today I spun...
> @conroyke56 hi, thanks for your feedback. Can you reproduce on runboat too? so i think i managed to lo gin to the latest runboat. create an app. delete...
> Ok, I'll look into it. Beside this, are you able to use the app once installed? Bear in mind that - after installing shopfloor_mobile - you should configure profiles,...
> Ok, I'll look into it. Beside this, are you able to use the app once installed? Bear in mind that - after installing shopfloor_mobile - you should configure profiles,...
> default branches are 2.x Yes, this is a new install, using docker. currently on 2.6.0 for all. > Click [Customize] and change the two instance of the text $portal_url/+plone+senaite.core.static/images/favicon.ico...
are you running all 2.6? can you first try changing the plone.links.favicon (senaite.impress.interfaces.ISenaiteImpressLayer) ``` ``` then going back and seeing if you can customise the core? thats the only modification...
Just wound up a new instance. And same error for me. Just to be clear. When you hit customise on the core, you can modify that code?
I've been experimenting further to understand the issue better, and it seems the solution might be simpler than I initially thought, although I could be overlooking something obvious. I initiated...