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Terraform provider for spotify
This is a terraform provider for managing your spotify playlists.
Featured tutorial - https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/terraform/spotify-playlist
Featured interview - https://www.hashicorp.com/blog/build-your-summer-spotify-playlist-with-terraform
I am not affiliated with Hashicorp or Terraform.
If you are having trouble with the provider, try updating to the latest version before submitting a bug report
resource "spotify_playlist" "playlist" {
name = "My playlist"
description = "My playlist is so awesome"
public = false
tracks = flatten([
data "spotify_track" "overkill" {
url = "https://open.spotify.com/track/4XdaaDFE881SlIaz31pTAG"
data "spotify_track" "blackwater" {
spotify_id = "4lE6N1E0L8CssgKEUCgdbA"
data "spotify_search_track" "search" {
name = "Somebody Told Me"
artist = "The Killers"
album = "Hot Fuss"
output "test" {
value = data.spotify_search_track.search.tracks
Add the following to your terraform configuration
terraform {
required_providers {
spotify = {
source = "conradludgate/spotify"
version = "~> 0.2.0"
How to use
First, you need an instance of a spotify oauth2 server running. This acts as a middleware between terraform and spotify to allow easy access to access tokens.
Public proxy
For a simple way to manage your spotify oauth2 tokens is to use https://oauth2.conrad.cafe. (source code)
Register a new account, create a spotify token with the following scopes
- user-read-email
- user-read-private
- playlist-read-private
- playlist-modify-private
- playlist-modify-public
- user-library-read
- user-library-modify
Then take note of the token id in the URL and the API key that is shown on the page
Configure the terraform provider like so
provider "spotify" {
auth_server = "https://oauth2.conrad.cafe"
api_key = var.spotify_api_key
username = "your username"
token_id = "your token id"
variable "spotify_api_key" {
type = string
Self hosted
If you want a bit more control over your tokens, you can self host a simple instance of the oauth2 proxy designed specifically for this terraform provider
See spotify_auth_proxy to get started.
Once you have the server running, make note of the API Key it gives you.
Configure the terraform provider like so
variable "spotify_api_key" {
type = string
provider "spotify" {
api_key = var.spotify_api_key