vscode-ruby-test-adapter copied to clipboard
Add support for shoulda with minitest (idk if it works with rspec, I dont use it)
explorer v0.9.2 Ruby 3.1.4 Rails 7.2 Minitest with rails
I see that when I added should gem and added a matcher, for example
class MyModelTest < ActiveSupport::TestCase
context 'validations' do
should validate_presence_of(:text)
The json that gets passed around from the vscode:minitest:list
does contain the methods, but they are listed as
"description": "validations should validate that the length of :text is at least 3. ",
"full_description": "validations should validate that the length of :text is at least 3. ",
"file_path": ".//home/merof/.rbenv/versions/3.1.4/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/shoulda-context-2.0.0/lib/shoulda/context/context.rb",
"full_path": "/home/merof/.rbenv/versions/3.1.4/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/shoulda-context-2.0.0/lib/shoulda/context/context.rb",
"line_number": 62,
"klass": "MyModelTest",
"method": "test_: validations should validate that the length of :text is at least 3. ",
"runnable": "MyModelTest",
"id": ".//home/merof/.rbenv/versions/3.1.4/lib/ruby/gems/3.1.0/gems/shoulda-context-2.0.0/lib/shoulda/context/context.rb[62]"
Which makes them appear in a new category names .
in the menu.
This is like a feature request.
I went ahead, and searched for a solution. Since I don't use rspec, I will only look to the minitest code. I figured we could start by changing the way the path to file is searched
just by changing it so here
_, line = runnable.instance_method(test_name).source_location
# we get path from the runnable definition, this prevents problems
# like method defined by shoulda (returns gem path)
path, = Object.const_source_location(runnable.to_s)
this, as far as I know, should not interfere with anything, and allows the tests to show up in the UI
I will look around and make a pull request with at least this change only
What happened to the #90? It has a few issues, but can't it just merge anyway?
This can be labeled as "support for Unbound methods"
adding this bit of code to the Tests#build_list
unbound_flag = runnable.instance_method(test_name).is_a?(UnboundMethod)
line = -1 if unbound_flag
file_tests.sort_by! { |t| t[:line_number] }
max_line = file_tests[-1]&.[](:line_number) || 0
max_line = 0 if max_line.negative?
file_tests.each do |t|
t[:line_number] = max_line + t[:index] + 1 if t[:line_number].negative?
t[:id] = "#{t[:file_path]}[#{t[:line_number]}]"
And do the running based on method name rather then its position And that would be it, if we exclude the fact that all the methods will point to a 'random' line in a file