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Photon 1.0 RELEASE
Dear Photon User!
I am very proud to announce the release of Photon version 1.0! You are a follower of Photon and maybe you already know my extension framework „PhotonKit Components“ that extends the original Photon project on a high level. Sadly the original developer @connors was not abled to accept my contributions or answer me at least one time because he seems to be inactive since more than 2 years. This is very sad because Photon is a great tool to design native looking UI’s and there was a lot to do. I was the only active developer who still keeps the project up to date.
Somedays I thought about the future of the project and the last commitment of @connors was 2 years ago. I realised that the only solution for the future of the project would be a complete new version 1.0
This release is a hard fork of the original project that redefines everything hardly and replaces the PhotonKitComponents project I made.
Getting Started
npm install electron-photon
Just have a look at the „ShowReel“ application or ask me for questions ;-)
Questions? Ideas?
Kind regards,
Maurice Conrad
Great release, Maurice. I will try it with my real application. Meanwhile, thank you very much.
glad to see more components. thank you.
@MauriceConrad Great Job! Thanks a lot.
This looks great. However @MauriceConrad I do believe it might be better to take on a new name for the project! Your version seems to go so much farther ahead that there's no need to be tied back to this dead project. I would also love to see your library get its own webpage, and then choosing a name with an accompanying domain would be great ;)
Nice job! I'll try.
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!
great job, thank you